Chapter 20

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The young goddess ran around the room smiling and laughing as her mind kept on focusing back to that memory, Andromeda began to wonder why she would have wanted to forget such an emotional and happy memory but shrugged that thought aside and just let her emotions flow. 

The immortals were watching in awe, and the two Goddess saw something that they had never seen before, Anubis who was used to not letting any emotion through his barrier stood up from his leaning position on the wall and gently grasped his niece's hand and began to slowly dance the immortal waltz.

The pharaoh who was watching everything unfold before him gasped in surprise for their waltz was like any he had ever seen, and just when he thought nothing else would happen they began to float in the air as they continued to dance.

Andromeda was having the time of her life, here she was dancing with her uncle while her aunts were below them smiling, it felt magical and her eyes shone with happiness and joy something the immortals have never seen since the moment she turned three years old and was told the prophecy.

As the two of them slowly began to descend a tapping sound could be heard and everyone in the room turned their heads to the sound and there standing in the doorway was Adonis.

The prince who was beginning to worry about his beloved ventured through the pyramid and soon found a new room that looked to be created by the Gods themselves, and when he entered the room he was sure to remain quiet for he was loving the site before him.

Watching his mate dance and smile brought relief and joy to his heart, but as he gazed around the room he saw the immortals and that was when he let his presence be known by gently tapping on the black and white double folded door.

The immortals who knew who this mortal was beckoned him inside and to stand by his father, the prince knowing who these immortals were and what they were capable listened to the command and found himself standing side by side with his father watching his mate dance with who he guessed was either a cousin or an uncle.

Andromeda and Anubis finally and gracefully landed back on the floor of the room and that was when she noticed there was an extra pair of eyes watching her, turning around to face this mortal she gasped and her hands flew up to her mouth and she soon found herself in a trance as she could not remove her eyes from gazing at his own.

The prince could easily tell that his mate could still feel the connection and cautiously approached her in a way that would not frighten his mate away.

The immortals knew that their niece needed a bit of a push so Isis whispered a tiny spell and watched as the two of them were soon forced into each others arms and almost laughed when their faces turned from ones of confusion into ones of love.

Andromeda remembered that this was the guy she had woken up next to but realized that she did not know his name, which she found oddly strange since many of these mortals seemed to know hers almost as if she was down on this planet before.

Its not possible thought the young goddess as her body began to shiver with every light feathery touch of the mortals hands, she had never been down on the planet before, she was always up in the God's realm training and helping her brother become who he was meant to be, the ruler of the Gods for he was to take the throne when he came of age.

Yet somehow, some part of her was telling her that being in this mortals arms was right, shaking off these confused and puzzled thoughts she focused on the mortal and could not help herself when her hand brushed against his face, caressing it as if a part of her knew who this was.

The prince was watching his mate fascinated how her body seemed to remember him even if the woman before him did not, he knew it would take awhile for her to regain all of her memories and he would wait for her no matter how long it took.

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