Chapter 10

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Everything was silent within the rebellion's camp, everyone noticed the panic attack their leader had seeing that new member and it made them wonder who this person truly was. Silvano thinking that everything was his fault since he was the one who led this new member to their camp raced to Arabella's door and banged on it in hopes that his leader would answer.

Arabella who was a light sleeper jolted awake when the banging was heard and she raced to the door only to be stopped by Adonis who grabbed her wrist just when she was about to twist the doorknob open.

Their gaze burned holes in each others eyes neither of them blinked. The young goddess who was trying her best to remain strong while in her mates presence could still hear the hurtful words ringing in her ears. She could remember everything that had happened and knew that if she went back with this royal pain her title would return to slave and all the pain she would feel would be too much to bare.

Twisting and turning to try and get Adonis's grip on her wrist to loosen was proving to be much more difficult than she had thought it would be. Finally the goddess had enough of the games he was playing with her and cast a shadow orb straight into the prince's chest.

Adonis who was not expecting this girl to attack him was blown backwards , he smashed right into the stone wall and could hear the cracks forming from behind him and yet felt no pain for some odd reason.

The young goddess could feel her body start to shake from the impact her mate had with the wall, and by the expression on his face she knew that he did not feel any of the pain and without him seeing she smiled for that meant that the spell that bound them to each other had worked perfectly for any pain that the prince would feel would now be transferred to herself.

Taking the opportunity of Adonis being on the ground the young goddess ripped open the door and was shocked to see young Silvano with a tear stained face gazing up at her with worry.

"Are you ok leader, should I have not brought the new recruit with me, was that why you were in such a panic" asked Silvano.

Andromeda rapidly shook her head and explained to the young boy that she was just shocked to see an old face again, she reassured him that he did nothing wrong and to get to bed for the festival was going to begin as soon as the light touched the Egyptian sun disk on their monument.

Silvano bobbed his head up and down and said thanks before rushing off to his house, only when the young goddess saw his door close, did her smile falter.

Closing her door the young goddess spun around and surprisingly Adonis was still on the floor, this worried Andromeda for he should have been able to regain his bearing and rise from the ground easily.

Making a quick decision in her head the young goddess approached her mate and turned him over onto his back. He was staring at the ceiling in boredom it seemed, and when she placed her hand on his forehead his eyes blinked slowly as if coming out of a trance.

Adonis gazed around the room, when he felt something touch his forehead his reflexes kicked in and he latched onto the persons wrist, rolled behind them and pushed them onto the ground. When he finally blinked away the dust from his eyes he saw black hair rolling down a girls shoulders and as he took a closer look he noticed that the person he had pinned to the ground was none other than the goddess Andromeda.

The young goddess knew she could easily flip their positions or even harm Adonis but she did not want that.. no, she wanted to see what he would do now that he knew who he had pinned to the ground.

Both of them gazed into one another's eyes and the prince could see no fear or hesitation within Arabella's eyes no instead all he saw was determination and if he looked deep enough a small flame of passion burning whenever they are near.

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