Virgil Abuse

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"Please tell me you're not actually considering that." There was desperation in his own voice.

"Come on, it'll be fun! You look just like him!"

Anxiety choked. "Me? What on earth... I thought you meant yourself! And that was already a bad idea! No way." He shook his head frantically.

Prince pshawed. "Come on. It'll be fine! He won't even know the difference." He pulled a mirror out of thin air and held it up to Anxiety's face. "See? You look just like him without all that eyeshadow on." He had a slightly smug expression on his face like he knew he was right and the other couldn't argue. "If you add glasses." 

Anxiety's eyes widened as he saw himself in the mirror. It was the first time he realized he hadn't put his makeup back on. This was the first time any of the sides--no, anyone in general--had ever seen him without it. And Prince had been staring at him for ages without saying anything. No way he hadn't noticed. Why hadn't he said anything?

His eyes were still wide and unfocused so he didn't even realize when Prince did away with the mirror and moved a few paces back, scanning the room with his eyes and frowning. He stopped at the bedside table and opened a drawer. Anxiety feared he was snooping more, but he just reached in and held something in the air that glinted when the light emanating from the glowing room caught it. "Ah ha!" He waved the object around some more and Anxiety realized they were a pair of glasses.

He offered them to Anxiety. "Here, put them on."

But now he was shaking and took a step back. "No," he tried to say, but he was pretty certain no sound had come out of his mouth, and Prince didn't seem to react. He put his head in his hands. God, his face. He had seen his face. This was a disaster.

He pulled his hands away and realized there were tears settled in his palms. He was crying. In front of Prince. Out of all the mortifying things that had happened that day, he had been able to hold on to the fact that at least it hadn't come to this. But now it had. And it was so embarrassing. He continued to stare at his hands.

"Hey, are you..." Prince frowned and came a little closer, squinting at him and causing Anxiety to shrink away. Then Prince's expression went blank and he paused for a moment. "Here," he said, and with no warning shoved the glasses onto Anxiety's face.

"What? Ow!" Anxiety squeezed his eyes shut, flinching away. "You poked me in the eye!"

"Did I? Oops. Guess that's why there are tears streaming down your face." Prince winked at him and Anxiety felt heat spread to his cheeks. He pulled the collar of his dark shirt up to his eyes to blot away the wetness and maybe hide some of the color rising to his cheeks.

"It's rude to make someone cry, Princey," he said through the fabric.

Prince gave him a half-shrug. "My bad. Now come on, you need to finish getting dressed." He grabbed Anxiety by the arm and dragged him over to the closet.

"Hey, I did not agree to th--" He was cut off when Prince opened the closet doors--of the folding variety--and shoved a neatly folded pile of clothes into his arms. "Who keeps a dresser in their closet?" Anxiety's brows creased.

Prince then took him across the room and pushed him into the bathroom, closing the doors on him. "Get dressed," he said, his muffled voice reaching Anxiety through the walls.

"Hey!" Anxiety pounded his fist on the door but there was no answer. Of course the other side chose now to go silent. Anxiety sighed and began muttering to himself as he began to strip off his clothes, breaking his new rule again. The second time the same day he had established it. Did Thomas really think he was capable of sticking to any of his resolutions? "This is so stupid. What's the point of putting these on if we can shape-shift anyway?" He pulled Logic's shirt over his head. He struggled into the teacher's pants, kicked off his shoes and tied the new much more sensible pair.

He was tightening the pre-knotted tie around his neck as he emerged from the bathroom (thank God Logic tied his ties in advance--Anxiety had no idea how to do so), but stopped short when he came face to face with Morality.

Lots of emotions welled up within him at once--guilt, relief, shame, embarrassment, more relief. All of these flooded out of him in a startled gasp. There were so many things he wanted to say but at the same time he also just wanted to return to his room and curl up in a ball and be silent forever rather than face them all. But standing in front of the innocent bubbly face, all his thoughts came tumbling out at once in a jumbled mess. "Morality, I'm so sorry, thank God you're here, you won't believe what Prince tried to--wait, I look like Logic, you probably think, no is this even convincing--I can't believe..."

He trailed off as he saw the startled expression of Morality's change into a knowing grin. Anxiety snapped his jaw shut. "Oh my God you're Princey, aren't you?"

Prince's grin got even wider at that. "And you didn't even know the difference! See? This is perfect! And it's going to work brilliantly." He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. Confusingly suggestively.

"Hold up, no." Anxiety held up a hand. "No way. Impersonating Logic is one thing--one thing I very much do not want to do--but you can't just steal someone else's clothes and pop in where you've been banned when Thomas hasn't even called for Morality."

Prince flicked his hands as if brushing his comments aside. "It's fiiine, I'll wash them before I give them back. And what Thomas doesn't know won't hurt him--"

"Not necessarily true."

"Besides, I was just in Morality's room and it started glowing too."

"Are you lying to me?"

"What? No! It really is! So, like I said, it's fine." He spread his hands and then straightened his posture and frowned at Anxiety's timid, shrinking figure (though now it looked disturbingly like Logic's). "Now go! Quick, before Thomas has too much time to worry about why we haven't arrived yet."

Anxiety glared at him, and when he made no move to leave, Prince pushed him through the glowing floor where he disappeared only to rise up just as suddenly in Thomas's living room.

A/N: Heyo! So I'm dedicating this chapter to Payton_Elizabeth1 because I just caught up on her fic Royalty and Loyalty. It's awesome, can't complain. We love when Princey's actually a prince, and it gives off that Merlin, Merthur, Merlin is a prince too story vibe. (Basically meaning Anxiety is a prince as well.) C'ya in the next chapter!

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