The Prince of Anxiety

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Morality was not fine. Really. Waffles didn't matter that much to him--a little, but not that much--but what Anxiety said to him? That had cut him deep. More so than he thought was possible. He knew the boy was a little defensive and lashed out whenever he felt threatened, and that he probably didn't mean it, but it still hurt. Anxiety may be a bit harsh sometimes, but he'd never actually yelled at him before.

It was eating him alive.

He wasn't really sure why he'd come to Logic's room; he'd meant to go to his own room, but he was so shell-shocked that his feet had had other ideas. Logic had expressed some concern for him. That was nice, he guessed. But now he was going on about his argument with Prince and whatever he'd said to him. There were so many words, and he couldn't muster enough focus to follow the story properly.

"--are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" He shook himself out of his stupor. "I..." He looked away guiltily. "I'm not really ok."

Logic sighed. "I can see that. What's the matter?" He looked reluctant to ask.

What was he supposed to say? That Anxiety was mean to him and now he feels bad? Like a failure as a father? That Anxiety was technically right and he wasn't actually his dad anyway? Or even anyone's father?

A moment later he realized that instead of being awkwardly silent for the last few moments all of that had come spilling out of his mouth, and now he was sobbing. "I don't even know where babies come from!" This outburst was followed by more sobbing.

"There, there," Logan said stiffly. He looked like he was trying to decide which of Morality's body parts he wanted to pat. He decided on his back(not his head) and offered up two robotic pats.

Morality sniffled. "Thanks, Logan. You really try."

"Here." Logic grimaced and offered him a tissue.

Morality took it, cracking the smallest of smiles--much more genuine than his last one--and blew his nose. Logan waited for Morality to finish drying his eyes and then offered him another. He looked like he needed it.

Morality took a shaky breath. "I'm sorry. I know this probably makes you really uncomfortable--"


"--but it's nice of you to listen," he finished.

Logic cleared his throat. "Yes, well. I'm not sure there's anything else I can do. May I ask why it is you thought--er--felt it best to come to me in this situation?"

Morality blinked. "I don't know."

"I see."

But Morality could tell by his face that he didn't. Not really. They sat there, staring at each other for the next fifteen seconds or so; Morality with a sad but slightly more content expression on his face and Logic with a rather uncomfortable one. Morality didn't seem to notice, though.

Logic turned away, looking around the room. "Is there... anything else I can help you with?" he asked.

Morality considered this. Was there? Honestly, his presence alone had done wonders to calm him back down. He shook his head. "Nope."

"Ok then." Logic said, some of the tension flooding out of his shoulders. He really wasn't equipped to deal with any of these emotions.

But the tension started creeping back when he realized Morality had made no moves to leave the room, or even get off of his bed. He continued to sit there, staring at Logic, but not really seeing him, lost in his own faraway thoughts; some of them ok, but most of them bad. And Logic stared back, eyes narrowed, growing more uncomfortable by the second.

Finally, he could stand it no longer. "Morality," he snapped.

"Huh?" Morality jumped back a foot.

"You're still here," Logan stated flatly.

"Oh... yeah." Morality looked down. "Sorry. I'll just... go then." He unfolded his legs and started shuffling off the bed. "Good luck with Prince."

It took him a full ten seconds to make it halfway to the door and he heard Logan let out a heavy sigh behind him. "Wait," he said.

Morality stopped and turned back around. "Hmm?"

Logic muttered something under his breath before replying. "Are you certain you are ok to be on your own? You still look rather.... out of it." His eyebrows creased together.

Morality's eyes went out of focus. "Well. I have a job to do. Thomas might need me. I'll just... go check. Yeah." He nodded and started walking again.

"Morality! Don't be ridiculous." Logic shook his head. "If you go to Thomas in this state you're bound to mess him up too. You need to recover yourself."

"Oh." Morality's face fell even further. "I suppose you're right. I'll go to my room, then." He turned to go again.

Logic groaned. "No. For someone as extroverted as you, being alone would not suit the situation. Come with me." He stuck out his hand.

Morality's face scrunched up in confusion. "Where are we going?"

"Away. I'm getting sick of dealing with Prince and his ridiculous antics. You need to recuperate. Let's take a vacation." He waved his hand insistently.

"Ooh! I love vacations!" Morality was bouncing up and down. "But wait--" He stopped. "What about Thomas?"

Logan paused for a moment then headed to his desk and grabbed a sticky note. "We'll leave a note. The other sides will tell him."

After a moment, Morality nodded and moved to Logan's side. "Okay! So where to?"

Logic stuck the note to the middle of his desk and stood up. "Well, there's a science convention I was considering going to in New Jersey, but if you'd rather--"

"No, no. New Jersey sounds great!" Morality nodded enthusiastically. "Maybe we can get lost in the woods!"

"What? That sounds like an awful idea. Who in their right minds would want to get lost in--" He was still complaining as they locked hands and sunk down out of the mind space.

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