Chapter 37

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I gritted my teeth, staring at the phone angrily as I dialed up Preston. He needs to knock some sense into Adam's idiotic head. I get that he doesn't remember me and that he doesn't know me as well as he did before the accident but this is no excuse. What he accused me of doing is so idiotic I wanted to bang my head against the wall so hard I'll make the bump on it worse.

Straight after I settled my butt on the couch with my ice cream in hand, I called up Adam to tell him what I found out.

"Hello?" His voice was raspy and he cleared his throat, repeating his greeting again.

"Adam, Kiara's working for Dom."I cut straight to the point, not wanting to beat around the bush. I was horrified at how close Dom got his people to Adam's family. The kids were in the same room as Kiara and I let that happen.

"Case, that's ridiculous! Kiara's a sweet girl and she would never be acquainted to that bastard." Adam sounded confused and disbelieving.

"You need to trust me, I saw her with one of Dom's men in the park. She's with them," I hissed at him, pulling the tub away from my head to take another spoonful of the ice cream, trying to cool down my burning heart. This guy's pissing me off so much I want to rip his head off.

"Case, I know you're heartbroken but I never thought you'd resolve to this. I know I can't remember you that well but I know I would've never fell in love with someone who would go as far as breaking someone's relationship to get what she wants. I'm disappointed in you, Case." He ranted and that was when I huffed in frustration and hung up on him. If he wasn't going to trust me then I'm just wasting my breath trying to convince him. Might as well call Preston or Jerry.

I know that he lost his memory and all that but that does not give him a right to doubt my motives. I was itching to scream all kinds of profanities at him but I decided that I wasted enough breath over the hopeless matter.

I waited for Preston to pick up the call now but it went straight to the voicemail and I almost threw my phone out of annoyance. I quickly resorted to calling Jerry instead. If this doesn't work, I'm driving down to their place. There's no way that I'm letting that bitch anywhere near the Jones ever again.

I dialed up Jerry's number and as I prayed to God, someone finally answered the phone and I said my gratitude quickly before greeting the person on the other line.

"Hello?" I asked eagerly.

"Casey?" Pio's voice came through and I sighed in relief.

"Yes, it's Casey, Pio. Is your papa or Preston there sweetheart? Can you give them the phone?" I asked him softly, trying not to scare him.

"Pres-ton is here," I almost cooed at how he tripped over his words as he tried to pronounce Preston's name but I snapped back to focus.

"Can you please give him the phone, Pio? I need to talk to him," I pleaded with him, hoping he's having his 'good boy' moments and listens to me.

Before Pio can answer, I heard Preston's voice call out.

"Pio? Who's that on the phone?" I heard Pio answer him, mentioning my name before the phone gets shuffled and passed.

"Case? What's up?" Preston asked me and I felt like I could finally breathe again.

"Thank God, I've tried calling everyone. Why didn't you answer your phone? But that's not important right now. Kiara's working with Dom, don't let her near the kids and don't trust her!" I rambled, letting all my pent up worry spill through my words.

"Whoa, whoa. Are you sure about this? Because someone who doesn't know you that well might think you're accusing people out of jealousy," Preston joked and I groaned aloud.

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