Chapter 36

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After dinner that night, my parents completely avoided talking about Adam or anything that had anything to do with him. I appreciated their efforts in tiptoeing around the topic but I'm afraid that their efforts were made in vain. Ever since I met Kiara, everything that reminded me of him seemed to be amplified and I find myself laying down on my bed awake at night thinking of how things could've gone differently.

I've had school to occupy me at times during the week from the crap surrounding my life at the moment but that was temporary because the second I finish all my assignments, there were nothing to keep my brain busy.

Sunday came by quickly and sooner than I realized it, I was driving my parents to the airport once again to send them off to their next trip. My dear mother was in the backseat, crying softly saying how much she misses her baby and complaining about how much she's starting to hate the airport. When we got to the airport, she wouldn't let go of me until Dad basically pried her off me saying that they're gonna miss their plane soon.

I gave them a soft smile. "Be safe," I whispered into my dad's ear as I hugged him briefly. "I'll see you in 2 weeks kiddo." He smiled at me, clasping my shoulder before letting it go and grabbing the handles of the two luggage they were bringing. My mom hugged me once again and this time whispered something in my ear.

"Sometimes, you're too kind, Case. Sometimes, you just have to realize when to say to hell with it and start fighting for what you want. Who cares if there's an innocent heart involved, she'll get over it. Never mind what's happened, what he doesn't remember, he's still the same Adam and I have so much faith in him getting his memories back. Fight for him, Case, don't make the same mistake again." My mom lectured me. Apparently, she's been holding back on this particular topic the whole week and was ready to unleash this fury upon her unprepared daughter.

"I love you, remember to eat well and remember, yank that boy back to where he belongs." My mom gave me a hip bump and winked at me before giggling like a school girl at my appalled expression. When I finally recovered, I had the urge to hiss "Mom!" like an embarrassed little girl but my parents were already walking away and weren't of hearing distance so I swallowed the word and decided that I had to live with the embarrassment of what my mother had just done.

I got back into the car and started driving. I knew it was bad to zone out to driving, hell I could hear Bryant's voice in my head on how dangerous it is but I couldn't stop my thoughts when it started considering what my mother had said earlier. My conscience was in an inner battle with itself about what my heart desires and who was at stake.

I couldn't possibly do that to Kiara, could I? I mean I have no idea what the girl has been through, she might have gone through disaster after disaster and Adam might be the only good thing in her life.

"Are you still talking about Kiara or yourself, Case?" Penelope's question cut through my rambling. I decided to ask her for some advice because God knows how inexperienced I am with these kinds of problems. I didn't want to call Monic for any advice because I sensed she probably has a handful on her plate right now and I feel like such a bad cousin for not being there for her properly. Penelope was the only close friend I have aside from Monic and she was still the same party girl she was a year ago.

"Case, I don't know if you realize this but you have been given the shittiest card of fate I have ever seen in my lifetime and that's talking about something. Don't you think you deserve your happy ever after too? I mean I don't keep my disapproval subtle when you decided to walk away from Adam. This is all on you walking away. But as your friend, I'm willing to be the one to give you a hard slap to wake you up from your dazed state. You have to wake up and realize that the guy you love is being whisked away by ANOTHER PRETTY GIRL."

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