hola; quick update

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so guys I'm shook, I know we're already 11 days into the new year but I want to thank every single one of you that's read even just one chapter of this book.

Last year I said I wanted to achieve my goal of 300 read and we bypassed that by quite a damn lot YEET.

Infact were almost at 400.

I'm so happy that people have enjoyed this story enough to read the whole thing or even just a few chapters is a huge help for me so thank you so much.

If you haven't checked it out already there is actually a sequel to this book on my account called coffee which is cool.

But yeah I mean that's all I really gotta say, also fun fact I only passed my English Lit mock by the skin of my teeth & I have my GCSE drama exam on Friday I'm so scared.

Love y'all x

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