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ten-> Sophia's PoV
also unpredictable by 5sos & what you give by the tide are my faves rn xoxo
Please don't hate me after this chapter :)

The next day I felt numb.

There was something about the fact that I couldn't kiss Charlie, that disappointed me.

Something about it hurt.

I just don't understand which hurts more, the fact that I can't kiss him or the fact that I know he wants to and yet I still can't.

Avery was still hanging out with Izzy but she found time in her newly busy schedule to visit me.

"Hey Soph, sorry I haven't spoke to you in a while it just-"

"It's fine, I get it." I smiled opening my locker.

"Well anyways, as its my birthday this weekend I just came over to invite you." She said, her voice was dripping with enthusiasm.

"I don't know if I'll be able to make it aves, toby is coming home this weekend and I want to spend time with him." I smiled again, closing my locker.

Toby's my older brother who goes to uni up in Manchester so we rarely see him, when he does come back I try to spend as much time as possible with him, God knows he's the only sane person in my family.

"Please, please, please you've never missed my birthday before!" She pleaded.

"I'll think about it, I have to go to the toilet I'll catch up with you later." I said walking away.

I could almost smell the excitement.

I didn't need to pee, I just needed to walk away.

It was a 99% chance that I wasn't going to be at Avery's party, especially if Toby's back I would much rather spend time with him than my best friends new friends.

I don't even know if she's my best friend anymore.

I strolled across to English because the bell was going to go in about a minute and I'd rather not be caught in a swarm of desperation and puberty.

I reached Miss Garcia's class bang on the bell but for once someone was there before me.

Josh Jones, another one of Charlie's good mates. I was also good friends with Josh, he's really sweet and approachable, I'm not to sure how he got sucked in with Charlie and Freddie.

He smiled at me as I walked in, miss Garcia's face was pale.

We started the lesson as more people entered but I noticed miss looked more and more uncomfortable as the lesson went on.

I'd also noticed that Charlie wasn't in today, probably ill.

People kept glancing over to my table and whispering throughout the class and I started feeling uneasy.

The bell finally rang at the end and I went straight to Josh.

"Hey," I smiled politely.

"Oh, hi." He smiled back nervously.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Yeah okay I guess what about you?" He asked.

"Fine, do you know why miss looked so sick during today." I joked.

He gulped and in that moment I knew something was wrong.

"Josh what's wrong with her?" I asked, worried.

"She isn't worrying about anything to do with her." He said.

"Family then I guess," I sighed slightly relieved.

"No, not exactly." He said stopping, "you do know what happened right?" He said.

"With who?" I asked while grabbing his arm.


My heart dropped.

"What happened," I gulped.

"I don't know if it's my place to s-"

"Josh, tell me what happened." I said plainly.

"You know him and his dad don't get on very well, they had an argument last night and he walked out and got in the car-"

"Get to the point!" I pleaded.

"He's been involved in a serious car accident."

Josh's eyes began to water up.

My stomach sunk inside my body, I felt my chest constrict and I couldn't get anything out, not even a whimper.

"Wh- is he okay?" I whispered tearing up.

"He's still unconscious from what I've heard, ask Freddie he knows all the details."

I nodded and paced over to Freddie.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him to one side.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered, I felt my throat become hoarse.

"Tell you what?" He said looking worried.

"About Charlie."

"I thought you already knew." He said.

"Why the hell would I know." My voice automatically rose but managed to crack at the same time.

"Your families are quite close so I thought th-"

"Well you thought wrong you idiot. Is he okay?" I spat with a venomous tone.

Freddie looked away.

"Freddie," I choked.
"Tell me he's okay."

I felt a single tear roll down my cheek and down my neck. My hands began to shake.

"He's in a coma." Freddie murmured.

I tried to reply but no words came out. My vision became clouded from the tears.

I felt my back hit the wall behind it and the brick rub against my shirt as I slid down it.

I rolled into a ball and just cried.

Charlie was in a coma and I couldn't do anything about it.

I tried to convince myself that it wasn't my fault but somehow even though I had nothing to do with it, I still felt as if it was.

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