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three-> sophias pov as always


"SOPHIA" I heard my mum scream making me jump up from my bed.

"Yeah?" I shouted downstairs.

"I'm going to Jonathan's house to go over some business deals," she started.

"Yeah, so?" I shouted again even though she was at the bottom of the stairs so she was perfectly capable of hearing me.

"So get ready you need to come with me." She said as if it was completely obvious.

"Why! I can't be bothered and I don't like business talk" I whined.

"Stop being rude and get dressed now!" She shouted up before I stormed into my room to choose some clothes.

In the end I just went with my jack wills hoodie and a pair of leggings as that was the comfiest thing I had.

The car journey was surprisingly short.

I say that because Jonathan complained about how hard it would be to make deals because they live so far away.

I don't know where he's chatting about because 15 minutes isn't long.

We finally got there and Ella was there to greet us.

She said she was taking Jack to a football match but Charlie was inside.


As soon as we got inside I decided to explore the house because it was damn big.

I peeked inside the rooms, all of them equally sized.

One door at the end of the hall was open and my curiosity took over my brain.

I peered round the corner and my jaw hit the ground.

Charlie Cooper in a towel.
Just a towel.

I froze in my spot so it made it harder to walk away.

"Cat got your tongue princess?" He smirked without even looking at me.

"Sorry, um I'll just, bye" I said turning bright red and walking away.

I felt the hood of my jumper tug and I was span round to face a now fully clothed Charlie.

I don't understand how boys change so quickly what wizardry is this.

"Now, don't tell me you wanna listen to all their business bullshit, stay here" he said referring to our parents.

The thing I loved to hate about Cooper were his never ending supply of facial expressions.

The smirk, the smile all of them made me 20x more nervous around him.

I awkwardly nodded and sat on the end of the bed then he sat next to me.

"So why are you here?" He asked shuffling to the head of his bed and extending his body down the bed, almost kicking me off in the process.

In the end I just sat cross legged at the opposite end.

"My mum made me come," I sighed.

"Bet you're glad you came." He chuckled referring to the towel incident.

I felt my face burn up again.

"Sorry about that I didn't expect th-"

"Don't worry" He laughed cutting me off.

We spoke for a bit longer about his hobbies and I spoke about mine, I was actually getting slightly more comfortable.

"I have a question," I said cutting into an awkward silence.

"Shoot" he said looking directly at me.

"How come you were always so quiet and reserved before like last week or so and now your like another person?" I asked confused by my own words.

"I was never quiet, you just never saw me when I spoke."

"Fair enough" I shrugged and spotted something out the corner of my eye.

A vinyl collection.

"Hey what's that?" I said getting up and walking over.

What I didn't see when I saw the records was the great big plug on the floor which I managed to step on.

I yelped in pain and collapsed but not on to the floor like I thought I would.

Instead I fell onto the bed right next to Charlie.

I was going to move but I couldn't.

That's a lie I was perfectly capable of moving I just didn't want to.

I kept giggling, not because I tripped and made a fool of myself but rather because Charlie's breath was tickling my neck.

I turned to face him and tell him to stop breathing on me but as I did he was a lot closer than anticipated and I ended up staying silent.

I stared into his eyes and he stared back into mine.

I felt myself get closer to him but didn't bother to stop myself.

We were inches away from each-other.

We probably would've kissed if our parents hadn't of laughed so hard that we both jumped out of our skins.

"Follow me" Charlie chuckled before getting up and tiptoeing down the hall and down the stairs.

I ran after him but made sure I was quiet, as per usual I wasn't looking where I was going and pushed into him as he'd stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

He wasn't affected at all though, at least not by me.

I followed his eyes and saw exactly what he was looking at.

"Get your dirty hands off my mothers legs"

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