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-> sophia's pov

recap; Freddie was going to talk to Charlie about asking Sophia out he saw them 'flirting'. He decided to be a dick to her in class.
Sophia was with Charlie at the weekend, she waited for Freddie but Charlie came over and they chatted and whatever. She was going to make plans with Freddie before he started being a dick.


So now that doing anything with Freddie was out the window I had the entire week to do whatever I wanted. I decided to call up Charlie & see what he was doing.

"Oh, hey Sophia. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to like the cinema or for food or something later? You don't have to I j-"

"No, I'd love to. I'll be at your house in like an hour or so."

I got dressed and what not and then waited around for Charlie.

I couldn't help but think about what happened with Freddie. First up, he didn't meet me in the morning which could've been for anything but he would usually call me or something to let me know.

Then in English, he just looked awful.

I grabbed my phone & clicked his contact. I let my thumb hover over his number before pressing it. The call ended almost instantly.

I tried again. It rang until it got to voicemail.

I tried one last time.

"What?" He snapped.

"Can I just speak?"

"Fine, what's up?" He sighed, I could almost see the eye roll through my phone.

"I don't know what's been up with you today. First you didn't meet me this morning & left me waiting with no explanation. Which I guess isn't a big deal to you, obviously, but it is for me. After that you completely blanked me in English. So I thought okay, he's in a bad mood. Whatever. When I tried to help you, you flipped out at me. Like for no fucking reason. You were acting just like you used to back when we hated each other. Like seriously what the fuck is up with you Freddie?"

"It doesn't matter." He said.

"This is the thing. It does matter. If it didn't matter I wouldn't keep trying with you, baring in mind you humiliated me in front of everyone today."

Neither of us said anything. My door bell rang and I looked out to see Charlie standing there.

"Listen I got to go. I'm going to the cinema. You can come if you want. Take your mind off whatever your so angry about."

"Yeah okay."

"Okay, I'll just let Charlie know."

"Wait. Sorry someone just texted. I've got to give them a lift. Can't come I'll talk to you later."

The phone line went dead.

Confused, I went downstairs to open the door.

"Hey." I smiled & we got into the car.

The car ride was in a comfortable silence. Part of me felt like asking him about Freddie. To see if he knew anything. The other was telling me to shut up and appreciate how lucky I was to be going somewhere with Charlie Cooper.

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