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ive genuinely changed the layout for this top bit so much I don't even care anymore.

sophias pov (obviously bc im unoriginal)

I'd been pacing around my room for the past twenty minutes even though it was 2am.

What had I done?

about two hours earlier ~

"This is hauntingly familiar."

"Been here before Austin?" I said turning around to face him.

But it wasn't Austin standing there. I knew exactly who it was by the voice, I just didn't want to believe it.

"Charlie?" I stuttered, stepping back.

He stepped into the light where I could see him fully. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with a leather jacket and a cigarette resting between his fingers.

His hair was messy, but it was sexy. His eyes still pierced mine, he started to walk towards me. 

"Long time no see I guess." He smirked.

"Yeah you could say that." I said scratching the  back of my neck. I automatically felt self-conscious. I hadn't spoken to Charlie in about 5 years. Not once.

I was also scared that Austin was gonna eventually come up, he was such an amazing guy and I would never want to ruin us.

"Lost for words princess?"

"Hah, well. I just didn't exactly expect you to come up here?"

"Were you expecting your boyfriend?" He cooed taking a seat.

"Well y-"


I raised and eyebrow and went and sat opposite him, slowly and with caution. This is the guy who broke my heart several times, I wasn't exactly going to jump into him arms.

"What the hell are you doing here Charlie?" I finally asked.

"Me? I came to my friend Jackson's party. What about you?"

I genuinely couldn't believe how calm he was being. How could he not talk to me in years and then just make conversation like that.
I shook my head. Charlie got up and sat next to me.

The rain got heavier.

"What happened Soph?" He muttered.
He probably thought I didn't hear him.

I wanted to say; well first up you completely ruined my life by just being there. Then you decided to make my life worse by tormenting me in class with your friend who we don't talk about anymore. After that we became closer and closer, almost kissed a few times.

Then you had to get into a fucking car accident.


You then ruined my life all over again because instead of just consciously dropping me like you would with any other girl. You just forgot about me.

Not that it was your fault but it really hurt.

Then Freddie died you became a dick and now we're here.

But I didn't.

Instead I whispered 'I don't know.'

I looked up at him and and he looked straight back at me. It reminded me of that night we were on my roof in the rain.

When I told him I couldn't kiss him.

I couldn't kiss him then because I didn't want him to hurt myself, but I can't kiss him now because I don't want to hurt Austin.

Either way, whenever Charlie Cooper comes along someone is bound to get hurt.

He was so sexy in the rain. It was just a fact. His hair went slightly curly and dropped onto his face. His shirt became tight. He was just attractive.

I felt myself lean in, I could see him doing it too.

I knew it was wrong, everything in my body was screaming at me not to.

Neither of us stopped though.

A certain part of me didn't want to either.

We were centimetres, no millimetres, away from each other's lips. When we were that close we didn't stop.

I felt his lips press onto mine and I put mine on his in return. He put his hands through my hair and I did the same to him.

We both stood up at the same time, not breaking apart and moved towards the balcony. When we finally got there, I jumped up onto him.

He held me.

I couldn't help myself, I missed Charlie more than anything and there was nothing in the world that was going to stop that.


Except Austin.

I heard the door open and a cup fall to the floor.

We finally broke apart.

Austin's face dropped down, as did mine. I imagined Charlie had a smirk all over his face but I didn't dare to look.

"Austin?" I whispered, I could barely get the words out.

The guilt had just whacked me in the face. I only just realised what I'd done.

But I couldn't go back.

I had to be honest with myself.


I had to call Austin. I knew that he wouldn't reply and I didn't blame him.

What I did was awful, I felt awful.

That was one of the many things I hated about Charlie.

Never before had I met someone who made me feel so vulnerable yet so safe at the same time.

"Austin! I am so so sorry. I honestly didn't mean to hurt you and I know what I did was so wrong. I definitely understand if you hate me or don't want to see me again or whatever. I-"

"Woah Soph. I'm not mad. Well I am mad obviously but come on. Look at Charlie. You loved him for so long, you were both drunk and alone. It was inevitable. Especially considering you haven't spoke in so long. I just need some time. I do still love you and want to be with you. As long as you want to be with me too?"

"Yeah 100%. I'm so sorry, take as long as you need." I whispered in shock.

"Love you." He said and ended the call.

I was in utter shock.

How could someone get treated so shit and still want to be with them. This just made the entire situation worse.

But whatever happens, I have to make sure never to see Charlie Cooper again.



Sorry about like no updates I've been revising lOL.

We have like 4 chapter before I end this.

Oh lorddddd.

What do you guys think of Austinnn?

Anyway that's all lol night.

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