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nine-> sophias pov(obviously)
Sorry I haven't updated in a lil bit, I'm gonna get back on track now so I should be updating everyday if not every other day :) ++++ im actually proud of this chapter:)))) big request but can we hit 100 by xmas?


"YOUR LOVE IS ULTRAVIOLET" I belted out along with the Stiff-Dylans.

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging is by far my favourite movie, I practically watch it every night.

I heard a soft knock on the door just as the movie had finished.

"Hey honey, I'm going to Jonathan's for a bit you can come and spend some time with Charlie if you'd like." My mum said while tying up her hair.

"Absolutely not." I said while looking at her as if she was mad.

She smiled and walked away.

I sighed as I heard the door shut behind her, she almost always went to Jonathan's house now.

My stomach started to rumble and make various other weird noises so I decided that I needed food. I moved from my comfortable position on my bed and went to make popcorn.

As I went to the fridge to get a drink someone had knocked on the door.

Mum probably forgot something.

I opened the door and was shocked by who I saw on the other side.

"Sup," Charlie said pushing into my house.

"I don't remember asking you to come in?" I spat pouring my popcorn out.

"I don't remember being asked not to," he said jumping onto my couch.

"Why are you in my house?" I sighed.


"I just said it in English what the-"

"English homework dipshit," he laughed.

I slumped down next to him and we just sat in silence, an awkward silence.

"I'm gonna grab some books," I said, rushing upstairs.

It was starting to rain outside and I'd left my window open so my books were soggy by the time I found them.

I grabbed them despite their current state and went downstairs.

"Charlie?" I called out, he wasn't on the sofa.

I saw my patio door wide open and someone's reflection on the side of it.

"Charlie, you came here to do homework not to get wet." I said attempting to drag him in.

I grabbed onto his arm but as I did I felt him tense up, his arms were very muscly and bulky but definitely not unattractive.

He smirked at me as I continued to yank his arm.

Instead he pulled me out with him and shut the glass door.

"Let me in," I moaned as he moved in front of me.

chasing charlie cooper.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora