You shake your head, panic flooding through you. Ah yes, you had to be at the convention by 2pm! What time was it now!? You swiftly ran towards you messy bed and reached from your phone on the bedside table and expected the absolute worst. You could get a shower in 5 mins, right? Do your hair, brush your teeth, eat breakf-


You turn your head to glare at your friend, a dark cloud floating around your head as you contemplate how much time you could've had to sleep some more. Hailey lets out a sheepish laugh. "What? Better to be early than on time I always say. And besides-" She reached into her tingling bag and pulled out two lanyards; their passes to get into the convention. "There's gonna be a huge lineup to get in, so I want to be the first one there!"

She tossed the lanyard towards you, earning a sloppy catch on your part. You looked at the ticket inside the plastic wrapping; a red box with a white triangle inside. This was the youtube logo, yeah? You were 100% sure that it was even though you didn't visit the site very often. Sure, you watched the notorious cat videos, enjoyed the many Vine compilations that have graced the internet and seen a few of those viral videos that float around once and a while.

However, you never really cared about the main attraction; The Youtubers.

Sure, you heard that there's some funny ones, people that document their lives, people that react to things, comment over video games, beauty tutorials, yada yada yada. And yet... it never really captivated you for some reason. As Hailey put it, you were quite the oddball. But truthfully you would rather be lost in your own world of reading, studying and the occasional art attack you affectionately called doodling. You didn't like to share your drawings with the world, but the images Hailey had found were praised to the fullest.

You weren't a fan of being in the spotlight either. Too much attention made you blush up a storm. Another thing Hailey would fondly point out.

Ah crap, you spaced out again. You placed the lanyard on your bedside table and proceeded to get yourself ready for the big day.You waved Hailey away with a smile, encouraging her to make herself breakfast before you two left. Today was going to be quite the event and you knew Hailey was going to love it. If it's for your friend, you'd gladly do anything to make her smile before you go away.


The two of you had finally made it to the destination; the Youtube convention. Even though you were ready for 12pm, the parade of screaming fans was already insane. The line from the doors traveled all the way down the street, the busy intersections causing a space where the fans would dare not stand in fear of being hit by a car. The swarm of people and the immense height of the buildings around you made you feel slightly claustrophobic.You looked towards Hailey, expecting a reasonable explanation.

Hailey's eyes lit up in amazement at the sight. "Wow! What did I tell you? This thing is going to be so awesome! Look at all the fans, all the people here to see their heros! I feel like I might faint, (Y/N)! Hold me~" She began to wobble in a dramatic tone, flailing her limbs everywhere as she waited for you to catch her. Being the good friend you are, of course you did.

After a few moments of her playing dead in your arms, you tapped your foot impatiently. "Okay, Hailey. Can we get to our spot at the end of the line before it builds up more? I know you want to get in early." With that, Hailey jumped from your arms and began running to the end, screeching along with the other girls as she passed them. You shook your head, what had you gotten yourself into?

You walked along the row of girls and the few guys, listening on their mingled conversations

"I can't wait to see Tyler! What colour do you think he dyed his hair now? I hope it's lilac again..."

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now