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The traveler's lively faces dimmed as they left for their beds.

Ocean and I had shared many scones with jam. I felt myself getting sleepy. Just before my eyes could lock Buggy returned with his face was covered with soot.

"I see you've taken a liking to my nan," Buggy said and put his hand on Ida's hand, "I can't blame you, she's a gem isn't she?"

Ida put her hand on Buggy's arm. Her frown turned into a grin on her freckled cheeks.

"We'll have some clothes for them soon," Ida said.

The other women nodded in agreement and kept to their sewing.

"Don't work too hard ladies. We've already finished," Buggy said.

Ida and the other old woman put away their supplies.

"I've got something to show you, kids," Buggy said and looked beyond the table.

Evee and Mat were the only children left on the floor and no sign of ending their match.

"Come on now," Buggy said and pointed to the door, his lantern over his head.

I stood from the table and followed Buggy to the door. Evee and Ocean both rubbed their eyes and Mat dragged his feet from the floor.

We followed Buggy into a long hall filled with tents of every height and color. Each tent was lit by a lantern from the inside. The whispers of strangers echoed against the walls.

"Do we have one?" Evee asked, taking the words from my mouth.

"Of course," Buggy said and pointed ahead, "In fact, it's right over there."

There in the corner was a patchwork tent tall enough to reach my eyes. It was pitched on wooden planks raised from the floor. Worn blankets and cushions sprouted from the opening.

"I know it's not the best to look at," Buggy said and scratched his head, "But my father made it himself, so it will do you better than okay, I promise."

Buggy let out a tired sigh.

"Better test it for yourself, I suppose," he said and lifted the opening of the tent.

The inside was spacious enough for us to stretch our legs and warm enough to thaw the frosty air outside. It was more than just okay.

Buggy peered into the opening as we wrapped in our blankets and put our heads on our pillows.

"This is also yours," he said and left the lantern outside the tent, "I'll teach you where to light it in the morning, once you've had some rest."

"But I'm not tired," Evee moaned.

"Neither am I," Matt said.

"Let's see if you say that, after a long traveler's day."

Buggy extinguished the lantern and left us in the dark.

"What do you think he means?" Ocean whispered.

"Who knows," Mat yawned and folded into his blanket.

I didn't know, but I couldn't wait to find out.

X-Marks: Stealing ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now