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I was forced awake again. This time it was the ring of an alarm from the television above. I looked below to see if last night was just a dream but there she was with eyes wide open.

Above, a woman talked through the speakers of the television.

"Good morning children, this is Supervisor Sandall. For all new residents, please dress in the clothes provide at your dormitory doors. Your monitor nurse will be assisting you shortly. Furthermore, all grade six occupants -"

At the door, clothes waited, just as the woman had said.

I looked down at the girl. Disappointment soaked through her face. Her nightmare was not over, not yet. I hoped she did not remember last night or this really was going to be a nightmare.

"Hey! We have put these clothes on," I said to the girl.

The girl twisted back into her blanket. I did not dare disturb her.

I was putting on the new emerald clothes when the door forced itself opened.

"Good morning," a gentle voice said, "You're rather self-sufficient, aren't you?"

At the door, a nurse with painted lips and dark hair stood.

"Here," the nurse said and knelt on the floor in front of me, "Let me give you at least a little help with those."

She fastened the buttons of my dress with nimble fingers and as if she could read my mind she said, "I'm Valencia, your monitor nurse."

Valencia looked into the bottom cot where the little girl still slept.

"It says there are two girls here, but I only see one," Valencia said and moved her glass board closer to her face, "I guess a certain someone is going to miss out on a tasty breakfast. And it's too bad. I bet they're really hungry right about now."

Valencia moved away from the cot with her head high.

How could she not see the girl was right there?

Valencia took me by the hand and walked me towards the door when a pair of eyes peeked from under the blanket.

Valencia looked over her shoulder, "That's what I thought," she said.

Once Valencia helped the girl into her clothes we walked into the crowded hall outside. Pieces of clothes covered the floor as children struggled to put them on.

"No, let me help you with that," Valencia said and rushed to a boy with his shirt backward.

"What are you doing?" another nurse shouted from behind, "I said put this on, not that one!"

The stocky nurse hovered her face above a freighted girl. The girl attempted to flee, but the nurse caught her by her ginger braid and held it like a prize.

"What did I tell you?" she said and twisted her hand around the braid, "Have to get them under control now. Or you'll be ripping your hair out later!"

"It's too late for that," another nurse said in bursts of laughter.

Valencia walked the girl and me away and shielded our eyes with her arms.

X-Marks: Stealing ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now