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"The New Jedi Will Rise..."

Draven was no stranger to torture, to suffering. He came from a world of pain, and knew it better than most. It was different this time, because the lives of others were in his hands and he wanted to protect them. He had to. For Rey, for the Resistance and for the Knights of Ren.

Draven grew up on Pendar III, a small world that served as a trading route, and a loading dock. After the fall of the Empire the planet was now free to open their exporting businesses with various imports, that suddenly became the planets' main income for many inhabitants. His father included, who bought from the traders whose main business thrived off scavenged parts from Star Destroyers. Draven learned that at the Pendar Flight School, where he was supposed to train to become a pilot or an engineer to contribute to Pendar when he was old enough. But it became apparent that Draven didn't share that same passion, but rather felt drawn to something else he couldn't quite explain.

Compared to his peers he was small for his age, and in time everyone seemed to forget his presence. He took that as an opportunity to wander the streets of Port Dravits, his hometown. He learned at school that this place was named after one of their own citizens who left long ago, to fight the war that freed them from the Empire. Draven didn't know what war was, or conflict. Yet it seemed the planet had thrived on its aftermath.

It was when he was alone that he discovered he had a power others didn't.

It was a feeling he acted on as he heard something calling out to him. While he played on the crowded streets, he stopped and listened. It confused him at first, that no one else could hear what he was hearing. It was a whisper, that silenced everyone else around him. Following it like a scent, he found himself in an alley, dark and littered with junk and broken droids. He ventured farther and deeper into the unknown.

Then there at the end of the alley stood a shadow...


"Stop!" Draven shouted, angrily.

Jacek dropped his hand, panting heavily. He had used the force for too long and exceeded his limits; reaching far deep into Draven's memories.

Draven leaned against the wall of his cell, breathing angrily. Every part of him hurt, as he used every ounce of his will to defend himself against Jacek's power. But he could barely stand and sunk to the floor, his back still against the wall as he looked up at his masked captor.

"The shadow," said Jacek. "Who is it?"

"I don't know," Draven gasped. The Knight hugged his legs to his chest, resembling a frightened child, only he was a prisoner whose hair had grown past his shoulders and a beard now covered his chin. A lot of time had passed, but he wasn't precisely sure just how much. He could feel himself getting weaker every time Jacek interrogated him. He could feel it, Jacek was close to finding Draven's deepest secrets. The ones that protected Ben and Rey...but mostly Rey.

"I've seen that shadow before," said Jacek. "In your other memories...but it cuts off like some form of rift. I gather this Shadow is protecting your thoughts, or perhaps itself."

"Snoke and Luke came to that same conclusion," Draven pointed out as tears of rage now gathered in his eyes. "You're searching for answers. But you're not gunna find the ones you're looking for."

A Lost Tale of Broken Stars : A Reylo SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant