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"Never tell me the odds..."

Rey carefully tended to Finn's wounds, gently cleaning the small cut on his cheek. "I'm fine..." he assured her. "Really." Grimacing in pain.

"I should've gone with you," she said. "Maybe things would've–"

"Don't," Finn took her hand, stopping her from tending to him. "You're very important. This is where you're needed the most."

"But Draven," she said. "He needs my help."

"Poe will find him," said Finn. "His heart is set on it. He's gotten out of trouble more times than I can count."

Rey smiled. "I hope you're right."

"Rey?" Ben walked into the hut. "Can we talk?"

Rey looked at him and nodded. She returned her attention to Finn. "Get some rest," she demanded. "I'll check on you later." Then she got up and left to find Ben.

She found him standing by the stream, and stood by his side. For a moment neither of them spoke, until Rey took his hand and said, "I'll stay two days before I leave."

"I don't want you to go at all," Ben admitted. "It scares me..." He finally turned to look at her.

Rey closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around his waist."I'll be fine," she assured him, resting her face against his chest. Despite her own words, she didn't believe them. She knew with all her being that it was going to take a lot more than hope to rescue Draven.

Ben didn't want to bring it up, but he asked, "What if you fail?"

Rey looked up at him, gently caressing his cheek. "Oh Ben," she breathed, as she tried to convey an answer that would ease his fear. "Please have hope."

"I do," he answered. "But if anything were to happen to you, I—I'd lose that hope." He then caressed her cheek gently, stroking her soft skin, then her lips. He leaned down and kissed her softly, and she kissed him in return.

After that brief moment of affection, they held hands as they walked back to the Temple, where the students waited. Some spoke among themselves and only a few sat, meditating. Yetta broke apart from the rest and ran to Ben and Rey. "How's your friend?" He asked.

"Cuts and bruises," Rey answered. "But Finn will live."

"And your other friend?" Yetta was hesitant, but his curiosity got the better of him.

Ben and Rey shared a look, a look Yetta didn't quite understand. He was only twelve years old, and began his training five years ago when Ben and Rey arrived. He sensed something strange, but he didn't know what to call it. Ben sensed Yetta's confusion as he knelt down before the boy. "Rey is going to leave us for a while, but she'll come back," Ben explained, forcing a brief smile.

Yetta's gaze went from Ben to Rey, and she forced the same smile. Yetta didn't want to ask, so he smiled too.


After their teachings, Yetta was the last student to leave, and he was getting his backpack ready when Rey began practicing with her staff. Ben left to go to the other room, and Yetta slowly approached Rey. Then he asked shyly, "Will you–will you ever teach me how to use the staff?"

A Lost Tale of Broken Stars : A Reylo SequelWhere stories live. Discover now