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"The Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed..."

The entity led Rey into the forest, hours past and it was nearly dawn when she came across a cave

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The entity led Rey into the forest, hours past and it was nearly dawn when she came across a cave. Rey scowled in anger now as she sensed immense Dark energy temping her to go inside. She then ignited the lightsaber and entered the cave. It was an endless tunnel it seemed, until suddenly the ground turned into a flat stone-floor and finally steps that led downward.

"Rey..." a raspy-voice whispered.

Every instinct told her to leave, but the chill trickling down her spine dared her to descend the steps and she did. The darkness that called out to her wasn't a threat, but it welcomed her like an old friend and she willingly reached out. It felt like a nightmare she had before...but this was real. And she knew without a doubt, who this darkness was as she finally came to the bottom.

"Rey," he said. "It's been a long time."

With a bitter tone Rey gasped, "Snoke...how?"

Snoke emerged from the darkness, not in body but as something else. Their surroundings was lit in a light blue hue, as it's walls reflected the lightsaber. The Supreme Leader chuckled lightly before he said, "The Force is certainly strong with the Skywalker bloodline as it should be. But it's also very strong with you."

"You shouldn't be here," Rey snapped, her anger rising. "You're dead."

"When you're one with the Force," Snoke chuckled. "Death is just a word."

Rey gripped the lightsaber tighter, tempted to slash Snoke, but knew it was pointless.

"I sense your anger. Your hatred." Snoke smirked with approval.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" Rey demanded, pointing the lightsaber at him.

"Remember the first time we met?" He asked, as if they were old friends reminiscing.

Rey gritted through her teeth. "Why are you here?!"

"You," he answered vaguely. "Who else? Ben?" He scoffed. "Solo is weak..."

"Ben is stronger than ever..."

"Weakness comes in many forms, child." He snapped. "I believed in Kylo Ren to be my great successor. But I was wrong. Just as I was wrong about Jacek."

Rey knew Snoke must've appeared for a reason and so she asked, "Who is he? Where did Jacek come from? What are his plans?"

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