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"This is our most desperate hour..."

It was raining, the grey clouds unleashing a roar of thunder and sparks of lightning, as a cloaked figure stumbled through the streets. He walked with a limp as he made his way into the alley leaving a trail of blood. Monitoring the streets were DeathTroopers, threatening the lives of the innocent as they demanded where the Rebel was. And when they claimed they didn't know, the DeathTroopers fired their weapons. A woman cried out as she held her dead husband, cursing his killers. The DeathTroopers aimed their weapons at the widow.

"Hey!" Poe yelled, taking off his hood. "It's me you want."

The DeathTroopers were quick to aim their weapons on Poe as they advanced closer, surrounding him. "Cuff him," ordered a DeathTrooper. "The Commander wants him alive."

Poe held out his wrists in defeat as a DeathTrooper walked toward him. But just when the cuffs were about to go on his wrists, the DeathTroopers were shot at by a blaster. Poe flinched, as all five DeathTroopers dropped dead. He wasn't sure if he should be relieved or afraid as the masked assailant made himself known. He jumped from the rooftop, landing a few feet in front of Poe.

"Uh...thanks," said Poe. "I think."

"This way," said the man. "The streets aren't safe."

Poe didn't have a choice, as the streets was the last place he wanted be. And so he followed the stranger into the lean, narrow alley. "Who are you?" Poe whispered, as he limped to keep up.

"Shhhh," said the man as he peeked around the corner. "C'mon." He beckoned as he quickly ran across the alley to the next.

Poe followed as fast he could but not without the sting of pain in his right leg. "Where are we going?" Poe grunted.

The stranger didn't answer as he removed a false wall of metal, and motioned Poe to go inside. After the stranger closed off the wall, Poe followed him into what seemed to be an abandoned storage room. It was crammed with metal-crates that had symbols of the First Order on it. Poe gulped as he asked, "Who are you?"


"Nice to meet you Cade, I'm Poe Dameron."

Cade nodded, as he dug inside a crate and found a med-pack. He held it out to Poe. "You're the Rebel everyone's looking for."

Poe took the med-pack and sat down a  crate. He shrugged. "I'm here on a rescue mission," he lifted his right pant-leg to reveal the long deep-cut dripping blood.

"You're not doing a good job at it," Cade pointed out as he sat down on another crate across from Poe.

"Yeah," Poe nodded. "I should've really thought this through." He wiped the blood from his cut, and sprayed a white foam along the wound, then he wrapped it in a bandage.

"Who did you come to rescue?" Cade asked.

"A friend," Poe answered. "I heard rumours that this is where the Commander keeps his prisoners." 

"We are all prisoners," said Cade. "There's no escaping this planet. They have complete control over all loading docks, the landing platforms and on top of that there's a blockade of Dreadnaughts just outside the atmosphere."

A Lost Tale of Broken Stars : A Reylo SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang