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"The greatest teacher, failure is."

The First Order and the Resistance were spectators now as both Jacek and Ben Solo fought viciously. One sought to destroy the Resistance, while the other fought to protect it. But it was clear, that only one would be victorious. With a swift counterattack, Ben brought his lightsaber to Jacek's stomach, forcing the Commander to drop his weapon and succumb to his injury. He was about to fall, but Ben quickly caught him, and gently rested his enemy on the ground.

"It doesn't have to be this way," said Ben, as he knelt down.

Jacek smiled weakly as he looked up at Ben, there was a sense of familiarity within his eyes as he spoke, "Balance..." and then he was dead, his eyes changed from yellow to a pale blue. They were the same eyes as Anakin Skywalker's, but Ben knew it wasn't him. Gently, Ben closed the commander's eyes for good, finally realizing that Jacek was never his enemy.

Then there was a series of explosions that erupted like thunder. Ben looked up at the sky beyond the planet toward the First Order fleet. He sensed a lot of death and destruction...and knew in that moment the First Order had been defeated.


The ship had been restored, and that's when Rey sensed it. She scowled, as she sat in the pilot's seat. She felt dizzy.

"What's wrong?" Cade asked.

"I feel a great disturbance in the Force," she sighed, as she tried to comprehend it.

"That's nothing new," Cade commented, as he powered up the controls. "Wow, we did it. It works."

"Now help me," said Rey. "I helped you fix the ship, help me find the Sith Way Finder."

Cade seemed hesitant at first, as he nodded. "I'll help you. But, what are you gonna do when you find it?"

"Exegol," Rey answered. "Luke's journals say he tried to find it. He spent years searching. He gave up to train the new Jedi."

"And what's on Exegol?"

Rey had an answer, but even she was afraid to say it, like the words themselves might have a certain power over her. "We'll find out together, first we gotta refuel. We haven't enough for two hyperspace jumps."

"Then let's make this one worth it."


"I did it!" Poe exclaimed happily. "The Millennium Falcon, in now ready." He switched it on and immediately heard the transmission coming from the planet, Crait. "The First Order has been defeated, Commander Jacek is dead." He looked at Draven, who appeared to be in pain.

"I need some air." Draven got out of the co-pilot seat and nearly ran outside the Falcon.

"What's wrong?" Poe asked, as he join Draven on the grass.

Draven sat hugging his legs against his chest, as he tried to catch his breath. Tears streamed down his face, as he trembled. Poe reached out to comfort him, but Draven flinched like he didn't know he was there.

"Draven, you're scaring me," said Poe. "What's wrong?"

"I know...I know who I am," Draven whispered. "It all came flooding back the moment I heard of Jacek's death." He avoided eye contact, as he grinned. "It all makes sense. Why, Luke Skywalker didn't trust me...and why Snoke kept me at a distance." His grin faded. "And why I helped Rey." He frowned as he looked at Poe. "I thought that everything I've done was according to my own will. My own plan."

A Lost Tale of Broken Stars : A Reylo SequelWhere stories live. Discover now