"Young man where are you supposed to be?" She asked, catching my attention.


"Are you skipping class Mr.Lorizio?"

"Mr.Lorizo is my father. Please, call me Kaleb, Melinda." I licked my lips, smirking.

"It's Ms.Murray to you."

"It's Melinda when I have you bent over and you calling me daddy." I headed towards my classroom. "Have a pleasant day Melinda."

When I entered the classroom everybody looked at me.

"Can I have my damn face back?" My face formed into a mug. I hate people who stare.

"Kaleb, you've been gone for almost half of the class. What were you doing?" My teacher asked.

I'm never in this class because I get bored. All the work is easy and I already have an A in here. So much for an AP class.

"I got the bubble guts bruh. It was all bad." I rubbed my stomach hearing snickers from people in the class.

He shook his head as he took the hall pass from me, "Sit down."

"Aye, wassup Marissa." I sat next to her.

"Get away from me."

"Damn it's like that?" She's rude as hell. I've honestly just been trying to get in her pants since the beginning of the year.

"You gonna ask for my number like you always do, then I say no and you'll tell me how you gonna fuck me, and I put my headphones in to ignore you. So let's save both of us time." She put in her headphones.

I snatched them from her ear, "You don't have to be like that."

"What do you want? My number?"

"Yeah." I waved my phone in her face making her smile a little.

She snatched my phone from my hand and put her number in.



"Find something to do Kaleb." I heard my teacher tell me making me suck my teeth.

I went back to my seat in the back of the classroom and went to sleep until the last bell. Wiping the drool from my face, I grabbed my bookbag and filtered into the hallway with everyone else.

When I went outside I looked for Kam so we could walk home. I find her on the wall smiling up in that nigga Brian's face.

"Aye give her arms length nigga." I pushed him.


"Let's go."

"Wassup Kal-"

"Don't talk to me after you gave my sister hickies on her neck." I pulled Kam by her arm.

"Oh you mad or something? I can't help it if she came onto me." He said cockily.

"What? No I didn't." Kam looked at him like he was crazy.

Brian was a senior and he always messed with the younger girls because a lot of them are easy. I know Kam isn't because I'll kill her if she let's a nigga get in her head.

The last thing I want is her heart broken from someone like him. I try to keep her away from guys like me or Eli because she might seem tough but she's really soft on the inside.

"Kambria, let's go." I tugged at her arm.

"No, he's tryna make it seem like something more than what it was. What you got to say nigga?" She spat.

"Man, stop talking to me like you crazy bit-"

Before he could finish his sentence Kam punched him in the jaw making him stumble back to the ground.

By his flaring nostrils I could tell he was pissed, but he got up and walked away in embarrassment.

"You can't just go around punching people girl. Sometimes you gotta walk away." I told her, walking across the street to begin our journey home.

"He was gonna call me a bitch. A nigga ain't gonna disrespect me." She shook her hand. "He gotta hard ass jaw though."

"I taught you well youngin." I high fived her as we cut the corner.

"Kaleb!" Someone yelled behind us. Kam and I both turned to see Derrick walking up on us. "Nigga you fucked my girl?"

I laughed at his attempt to scare me, "You gotta be more specific. I fuck a lot of girlfriends."

"Melody! She told me you came onto her."

Wow, that bitch lied on me because I didn't want to kiss her ass.

"Nah she came onto me so check your girl."

"Nah I got a problem with you." He shoved me.

I dropped my bag off my shoulder and punched him in the nose. He swung on me and I ducked, tackling him to the ground. I was getting some good hits in and I won't lie he was managed to get a few hits in.

"Kaleb stop before these white folks call the cops and your ass end back up in jail!" I felt Kambria pulling me by my shirt as I stomped him.

"You got blood on my elevens bitch." I stomped his ass one last time before snatching up my bookbag and walking away.

"He got you in your lip." She wiped the blood from my mouth. "Wait until mommy sees it."

"I should've bashed his head in the damn concrete." I gritted my teeth as I unlocked the front door.

The first place I went to was the kitchen, seeing my mom sitting on the counter and dad standing between her legs with their tongues down each other's throat.

"Don't y'all got a room?" Kam spoke making my mom push him. "Nasty."

"What happened to your face?" He asked. "You fighting again?"


"Did I stutter?"

"It wasn't his fault...kind of." Kam jumped to my defense.

"So what happened to you." My mother grabbed my face to get a better look.

"He was messing with some guy's girlfriend and he came to fight him." Kambria explained.

"I told you about messing with them fast hoes." She slapped me, not too hard but hard enough where I felt it.

"Ouch ma." I rubbed my cheek.

"Did you beat his ass though?" Dad interjected.

"Of course."

Sigh. The life of a bachelor.




Excuse mistakes.

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