Going back to Mr. Grimes, he was known for making the detention students clean the school top to bottom with no breaks, and they couldn't go home till they finished. But, that was just a rumor. No one had earned a detention lately in fear of even a rumored punishment.

Not as soon as we stopped laughing had the bell rung and we were running into the school, backpacks swinging, papers flying, and me nearly tripping over flat surfaces.

My first class was none other than Environmental and Extraterrestrial studies with, of course, Mr. Ammer. Mr. Ammer was known for letting his class run wild, and no one ever learned anything except for anything you learned from the lengthy superhero talks people had during the entire block. The class was recently changed, the Extraterrestrial part being added at the arrival of Martian Manhunter and the discovery that Superman wasn't actually human. I currently had an A in the class, but that was only because I had discovered I could teach myself pretty well, with the help of my friends now and then.

I stepped into the overcrowded room to find that the only open seat just so happen to be between two more of my best friends, Daniel Groves and Victoria Cooper. Daniel was tall, muscular, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and totally into Luna, but she was completely blind to his affections. Victoria was little less than medium height had beautiful loose curly brown hair, and the most amazing glasses, eyes, and smile you had ever seen. I was nearly dragged into the chair by two of them, and I was immediately interrogated. They were attempting to dig all the dirt from me about my summer, which yet again, was nothing short of empty.

"Ok Rose, spill! Any cute and attractive men appear this summer?" Victoria nearly growled as she clung onto my arm, cutting off my circulation.

"Ok, ow ow owww Vic, you don't need to decapitate my arm! And No. You know I don't attract guys! Every guy who is either looking to date is looking hot for blondes and big-boobed bimbos like Ursula and her stooges over there, or Batgirl" I mumbled, exasperated, as I glance over at the bean and her 'beanies' in the center of the room; talking, texting, and flirting, all at the same time. I will give them  credit for one thing, they sure could multitask.

"Oh come on Rose! You know you're so much more beautiful than they are!" Daniel encouraged with a dimpled smile.

"Sure Daniel, and I have a great personality too." I chipped in sarcastically, giving them both a look that clearly showed they weren't making a point.

"Rose you know you are so much better, and more beautiful than them, plus you have brains and substance! Which they" She nodded towards the center of the room "evidently lack." Victoria pushed with a matter-of-fact arm-cross.

Daniel looked like he was about to say something before we all heard the all too familiar screams from the center of the class. 

"Holy shit guys! Batman, Nightwing, and Red Hood all headed this way towards Arkham Asylum!"

And with that, more than half the class was gone, out the door towards the front of the school. All except the three of us and Mr. Ammer.

"Oh no, where have they all gone?" Mr. Ammer stuttered, sweat forming in his brow. He looked like he was about to pass out from worry. That man needed serious help.

"Don't worry sir, just another bat sighting!" Daniel called to the front.

Sigh. "Couldn't be a first day without a Batman sighting, could it?" I slumped down into my chair, pulling my long, slightly wavy brown hair out from between the seat and my back.

"Sure couldn't." Vic agreed, copying my movements.

Daniel was at the window, watching everything so he wouldn't miss a beat, or miss seeing Luna, as if she would go outside to see stupid Batman.

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