He said,"I knew that as soon as i heard we were getting an arranged marriage that you were going to run away." I nodded and he continued. "So i wanted to know if i could run away with you?" I thought about it. The guy i hate and suppose to marry wants to run away with me? Well i could use the company and it would freak outt our parents to know that WE BOTH ran away. I studied him. He looked nervous. He probably thought i'd say no. I like to surprise people. I studied him harder just to make him more nervous. He started shifting his weight from foot to foot, a sign of nervousness.

I finally shrugged and said,"Only if you don't annoy me." He smiled and nodded. We started walking to my car. I put his stuff in the back that i just now realized he had and got up front. I started the car, turned off the lights, and took off. He looked like he was having fun. I turned on the radio and put in a Linkin Park CD. We listened to it for about an hour before he put in a Three Days Grace CD. I glared at him. He looked at me innocently and said,"What?" I said,"MY radio! No touchy!" He just laughed. We listened to that one for about an hour before i got one of my CD's that i burned off the computer and put it in.

One of my favorite songs was on here. I listened to it. It's called Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse. I knew every line.

Desperate for changing

Starving for truth

I'm closer to where I started

Chasing after you

I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held on to

I'm standing here until you make me move

I'm hangin by a moment here with you

Forgetting all I'm lacking

Completely incomplete

I'll take your invitation

You take all of me now

I'm falling even more in love with you

Letting go of all I've held on to

I'm standing here until you make me move

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

I'm living for the only thing I know

I'm running and not quite sure where to go

And I don't know what I'm diving in to

I'm hanging by a moment here with you

There's nothing else to lose

There's nothing else to find

There's nothing in the world

That could change my mind

There is nothing else...

As soon as i finished singing it, i saw that Aiden was looking at me with an expression that i didn't want to see. He looked at me with awe, adoration, and love. I ignored it. We have been on the road for about two and a half hours. We have gone about 375 miles. We are going at a speed of 150 mph. We live in Alanta, GA. I'm going to California which is 2000 miles away. I am tired. After awhile, Aiden fell asleep. I drove for sbou another 10 and a half hours before Aiden finally woke up. We had been on the road for about 13 hours. We have gone 1,950 miles. We have about half an hour to go. We just made a 4 day drive in one night. AWESOME. Aiden looked at me and said,"Pull Over." I looked t him like he was crazy. he said,"I'm going to drive, pull over." I was too tired to argue so i pulled over and we switched places. I fell asleep as soon as i was cozy in the seat.


I started driving, but at a much better speed. I was going 100 mph. It would take us an extra half hour but i don't care. I pulled over to get gas. I looked at Juliet. She looked like an angel asleep. She looked so innocent. I still love her. I pumped gas and got back in the car. I started driving. I was still thinking about Juliet and how we broke up.


I'm drunk, so drunk. Everything is spinning. Some blonde chick started dragging me to a bedroom. I was too drunk so i just smiled like an idiot. She pulled my in and shut the door. She pulled me down on top of her. She took my phone and texted somebody. Then she pulled me down and we started making out when i heard the door open. I didn't register anything at first, but the Juliet, my girlfriend, came in with tears in her eyes and yanked me off of the blonde chick. I then realized what happened and was trying to explain when she punched me in the face. She broke my nose.

She ran out crying. That was the first i saw her cry. I ran out stumbling trying to stop her. I started crying too when i saw her speed away in her car. I screamed,"NO!" I messed everything up. We've been toether for almost 2 years. It would be our annerversity in 3 days and i ruined it. I pulled out the necklace i got her. It had a wolf, her favorite animal, on it and it said,"I will love you til the day i stop breathing!" I knew about her tattoo and about her dad. It took me forever to get the necklace! That's why i've been so distant and spaced out!

I fell to my knees and cried over the girl i loved, the girl i lost, the girl i won't stop fighting for.


We got to L.A. and i went and checked us in a hotel. I got us a 3 week stay. I brought alot of money with me. I got all our stuff and took it to our awesome suite. I went back down and was going to wake up Juliet but she looked so cute sleeping so i just picked her up and took her inside. When i got to the suite, i layed her down in the big bed. I puled the covers over her to keep her arm since the air conditioner made it cold.

I striped down to my boxers and layed on the couch. I know she'll be mad if she wakes up and i'm in the bed with her. I fell asleep after i got cozy. I dreamed of Juliet.


I woke up in a soft bed. I looked at the clock and it said: 4:45am. Wow, i slept forever. I looked around and realized i was in a hotel room. I looked over to the couch and saw that Aiden was sleeping on it. Why is he sleeping there and not in the bed? Oh, wait, i know why. he didn't want me to be mad at him. Well that doesn't mean he has to sleep on the couch! I was fully awake now. I got out of bed and changed into a black tank top and silky black short shorts.

I went over to Aiden and started poking him. Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke! AHHHH! It's not working, so i sat on him. He sttill didn't wake up. WTF? I got up and pushed him off the couch. He fell and FINALLY woke up. He looked up at me sleepily and said,"Why?" I shrugged and said,"You wouldn't get up, i'm awake, i'm bored, and i'm hyper." He groaned and said,"You can go back to sleep if you just try!" He got back up and layed back on the couch. I pushed hin off again. He moaned in pain.

He said,"What now?" I said,"You know you don't have to sleep on the couch, you can sleep in the bed." Then i walked over and fell on the bed, now tired. I was half asleep when Aiden got in the bed. I heard him say,"Juliet? Are you awake?" i was too tired to answer. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer but i didn't care and it felt nice. I heard him whisper,"Night baby girl, still love you." And then i fell asleep.

I'm on the run from the cops my EX is my new best friend and i have an arranged marriage to him! WTFWhere stories live. Discover now