33. Sole Rosso Estate

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Theodore hadn't been kidding when he'd said that his house was too big for just him. It was the kind of grand, beautiful building Raguel's mom would sigh at as she saw it on television on one of those architectural shows.

He met Theo's parents, and shortly after the two of them moved in, his parents decided to go sailing again on their yacht in the Mediterranean, leaving the house to Raguel, Theodore, and Sir Montgomery, who was having the time of his life running around and slipping across the polished floors. He was also enjoying the company of another cat - Madam Myerscough, an excessively fluffy grey cat Theo rescued from the streets.

And somehow, the house didn't feel that big to Theodore anymore. Now that he knew Raguel was there, filling every empty room and hallway, it was different. And besides, the cellar and large dining rooms made for nights of endless talking, laughing, and dining with their guests, whether it was Lola and Hideo, Kuran and her fiancé, or their parents. Not so surprisingly, it was always the nights with Terrence and Fiona Moore that ended in the most shenanigans.

On the night of their fifth anniversary, Theodore came home from his studio, a new one he'd opened about two years prior, closer to the estate, which had now become a full time job (stripping was now purely reserved for Raguel's eyes). He came home to Raguel, who was able to work from home most days, seeing as software development didn't require a world of interaction or teamwork. And someone had to keep the cats company (and keep them from tearing up the curtains).

"I'm home!" Theodore came into the house, walking through the living room, where a flat box with a neat bow was sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace, and he looked over across the open plan living area at Raguel, who was in front of the stove in the kitchen, and smiled. "What's cookin', good lookin'?" he put down his bags and climbed over the couch to get to Rags, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his neck from behind.

"Baked chicken, with tomato and garlic, and hmm..." Raguel's words were smothered as he turned around to face Theo and was pulled into a kiss, but he didn't protest, just kissed him back.

"It smells good," he cooed, nuzzling his nose against Raguel's. "Did you make it because it's on Cosmo's list of romantic dinners?"

"No, I'm making it because after dinner I want to do you, not the dishes."

"Is that why you like making things in the pan?"

"Can you blame me?" Raguel smiled and pecked his lips, before turning back to the food, not before a comment from Theo about how he's wearing his "Kitchen Bitch" apron, so he decided to wear Raguel's I Kiss Better Than I Cook apron, helping him finish the meal in the familiar dance, rotating around each other in the kitchen while stealing bites and kisses while Theo occasionally twirled Raguel and danced across to the other counter in time to the soft music playing in the background.

Everything was tinted sweet and warm, and they ate the meal in the living room, sitting on pillows by the coffee table, backs to the couch and legs overlapping. They took pleasure in the casual celebration, doing nothing more than talking and laughing through the meal, Sir Montgomery and Madam Myerscough occasionally racing over their laps as they played.

By the time the meal was finished, they both had rosy cheeks thanks to the wine and the fireplace, and Theo reached for his bag.

"My present first," he decided, and pulled out another bag, but this one was leather, and had buckles and zips, and Raguel's face lit up the moment Theo handed it over.

"Theo, it's perfect," he marvelled as he ran his hands over the laptop bag's surface.

"Your old one's so worn out, and besides, Sir Montgomery seems really attached to it." Theo wasn't lying. His old bag's zip wasn't working and the corners had holes in them, and Sir Montgomery really did like using it as a bed, even more than their bed.

"Thank you, Teddybear," Rags said and leaned over, meeting their lips in a kiss that tasted faintly of herbs and spices.

Raguel then took the box with the bow from the couch, biting his lip as he held it in his hand, and then held it out to Theodore, looking up at him with dark eyes glistening gold in the fire.

Theo sat a bit closer, gently taking the thin box from him and lifting the cover. After putting it aside, he smiled widely, recognizing the fabric inside to be an apron. He lifted it to read the words written on the front of the black apron, and his lips parted, eyes shooting up at Raguel, who sat in silence, watching him. Then he looked back down at the apron, and the words:

Trophy Husband

He then shoved everything aside - the bag, the box and the apron, and he lurched forward, tackling Raguel onto the ground in a hug, kissing him deeply. "Yes! Yes, fucking yes," he repeated, laughing with delight and kissing him repeatedly, barely allowing Raguel to get any breath, but the way he was smiling didn't make it look like he cared at all that his now fiancé was smothering him in affection.

"I love you so much," he laughed, cupping Raguel's cheeks and pressing their foreheads together.

Rags smiled back up at him, his heart threatening to break through his ribs, and he flung his arms around Theo's neck, repeating the same three words over and over until his new reality sank in.

He was going to marry Theodore Cooper.

And they were going to live happily ever after.

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