16. Firsts

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Raguel woke up to steady breaths and a soft purring against his chest. When he blinked his eyes open against the light that invaded the room through Theo's blinds, he saw Sir Montgomery curled up in front of him. Rags' whole body was pleasantly warm owing to Theodore's body heat seeping into him from behind. His legs were drawn up, and Theo held him in his chest like he was a teddy bear.

He wiggled around to face the man, staring sleepily up at his closed eyes. His eye lashes were thick and dark, Raguel wondered what his real hair colour was. Even his eyebrows were a dark cerise, save for the small gap in his one brow.

His fingertips reached up to hover above his cheek for a hesitant few seconds in which Raguel thought he was still dreaming and that when he reached forward, his hand would fall through Theo. But he was there. Soft skin met his hand when he extended his hand and there was a soft breath of relief falling from Raguel's lips. He pushed the messy red curtain from Theo's face, putting it away behind his ear and in the process unintentionally helping him to wake up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Rags whispered when Theo's lashes parted; albeit just barely.

"'s okay..." he murmured in a husky morning voice, lips lifting his cheeks. "How d'you feel?"

"Tired. Good tired," he replied, still ridding Theo's face of hair. "My ass hurts."

Theo smirked, moving closer to Raguel to wrap an arm around him again and let his face rest close to his on the pillow. Their eyes blinked tiredly at each other, numb bodies tangled together in the sheets in the gentle silence of their morning. Somewhere someone else's morning was loud and busy and terrible, but theirs was warm and the colour of golden light shining on burgundy hair and fair skin. And it sounded like a tiny ginger Munchkin purring and meowing as it scaled Raguel's side only to slither down in between him and Theo, nesting in the warmth between their chests.

"Come on, you're sleepin' on your feet like a horse," Theo drawled, not fully awake either as he steered Raguel into the shower, the boy's eyes barley open.

Raguel only mumbled incoherently in reply, leaning stubbornly against Theodore in the shower.

"Making me do all the work?" Like he didn't want to wash Raguel's body head-to-toe and run his hands through his hair and hear him hum as he massaged shampoo into his scalp.

"Can we do it again?" Raguel asked, eyes still closed while Theodore rinsed out the shampoo.

"Do what?"

"Have sex."

Theo smirked. "And they say romance is dead."

Raguel huffed and tugged Theo closer by his waist, lips ghosting over his.

"Rags, I'm not doing you in the shower?"

"Why not?"

"We don't have lube."


"Do you want a bleeding anus?" Theodore removed Raguel's hands from his waist.

"What about water?"

The vaguely horrified look Theodore gave Raguel killed any further questions he had and Rags changed his plans. "What about a blow job?"

"When did you become such a slut?" Theo chuckled, stepping in beneath the stream of water to take his turn at washing.

Raguel was silent for a moment and his eyes were cast downwards, cheeks reddening.

"Hey," Theo's voice came gently, fingertips tilting Raguel's chin up to meet his glistening tile eyes. "I was just kidding."

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