32. Theodore and Raguel

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"We're not seriously going through this again, are we?" Raguel sighed as his mother tried to smooth out his shirt and his dad was spewing absurd sex advice.

"We just want to make sure you're ready for your date, coffee bean," his mother cooed.

"Aye, if you've got a glad eye for this lad, we can't have you making a crap of it. Now," Terrence slammed his hands on Raguel's shoulders firmly, "you go and you look that lad straight in the eyes, and you shift the shit outta him-"

"Terrence, give him real advice, or stop."

"Fine, fine. Ok, look... you like this lad yeah?"

Rags nodded.

"Alright. Now I don't have any experience with men meself, but I know that one thing us men love more than most other things in this world is some good head."

"Oh dear God, I'm leaving." Raguel wiggled out of his father's grip, escaping downstairs.

Both his parents had wide smiles on their faces as they followed him down, and he reluctantly let them both greet him with a hug and a kiss, before he was allowed to retreat in his car.

As he drove away, he looked in the mirror, at his mom and dad standing in the shop's doorway in the late afternoon sun, smiling, Terrence's arm around his mother, and he smiled. He liked not having to watch her stand there alone anymore.

Theodore's apartment was dark when he opened the door with his key, and small candles were placed on the floor, making him wonder for a moment if the power had gone out, but then he remembered that Theo was romantic, so he followed the path lit for him, down the hallway, and towards the bedroom.

He'd nearly forgotten the familiar, sweet smell of the apartment, and the slight echo in the hallway when he passed the guest bathroom. It felt life forever ago that he'd stormed out of there.

His heart was fluttering in his throat, his stomach throbbed and he couldn't help but chew his smiling lip. They haven't done anything romantic, or sexual, since the night of his overdose, and he wasn't quite able to distinguish the nerves from the excitement. He'd had a few doubts about the night, and what it would be like, after everything that had happened, if they would just be able to fall right back into things again.

The candles lit up the hallway all the way to the bedroom, where fatter candles on the nightstands basked the room in a warm, scented glow. The bed looked even more inviting than usual, and soft music was playing from the speakers, but Theo wasn't in sight –

"Hey there handsome."

"Jesus!" Raguel gasped, body jerking as he felt two hands on his waist, and heard his boyfriend's seductive whisper of a voice from behind, his words followed by a smooth chuckle.

Any previous thoughts of awkwardness were immediately banished form Rags' mind, with Theo's effortless charm washing over him.

"You got tonight's dress-code all wrong, you know?" his warm voice cooed in Raguel's ear, and the hands crawled from his hips around to his abdomen, slipping beneath his shirt.

"My bad..?" was all Rags could manage, and he glanced over his shoulder, breath hitching when he saw Theo. "God, you're naked. Very...naked, and..."

"And very hard," he finished for him in a whisper, lips right against the shell of his ear, a gentle gesture compared to the erection that was suddenly pressed against the cleft of his clothed ass. "You were a little late, so I went ahead and got prepared for you; I hope you don't mind," he purred as he started dragging up Raguel's shirt. "I just couldn't help it. Thinking about you...it turns me on too much."

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