14. Watson's

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"Are you sure I'm not overdressed? Or underdressed?" Raguel mumbled as his mother fussed around him, plucking the creases from his short sleeved button up shirt and adjusting his collar. "I feel like a douche who has a lawyer for a dad and goes to college but doesn't really study, just drives around in a sports car."

"You look perfect," Lola assured him, straightening his glasses and running her hands through his hair until she was satisfied.

"I don't know why you're putting so much effort into this, it's just Theo. Guys don't care about looks. Right?" he glanced at Hideo, who was sitting on the couch of Fiona and Rags' apartment. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Eigo wa hanasemasen."

"I know you speak English, don't try and avoid this," Raguel retorted and Hideo just lifted his shoulders again, shaking his head, making Lola chuckle.

"I'm changing into a T-shirt," Raguel decided.

"No you're not!" his mother squealed, but Raguel was already fleeing to his room and emerged in one of his neater dark V-necks. "I'm clothed, that's good enough," he said, starting off to the door.

"Fine fine- oh! One more thing!" Fiona gasped before Raguel could leave the room and he turned to face her.

"If you give me a corsage I will legally change my surname and claim that I'm adopted," he threatened.

Fiona slapped his arm, smiling and stuffing something into his hand. He glanced down at it and a frustrated shade of red bloomed on his cheeks. He never thought he'd ever have to accept condoms from his mother.

"Mum!" His voice was higher than usual, more of a shriek than anything else.

Lola and Hideo were enjoying the scene from behind Fiona, hands covering their smiling mouths.

"You're nineteen, you think I don't know what boys your age get up to? Now go on, you'll be late!" Fiona closed Raguel's fingers around the packet and patted his shoulder, kissing his cheek.

Raguel had his phone, keys and wallet in his pocket and was about to get into the car when Fiona called from the front door, "Be nice! Be safe! Use lubricant!"

"MOTHER!" He yelped, face contorted in embarrassment as he slammed the car door, shutting out the laughter from the three at the door. He waved at his mom briefly, who stood with glossy eyes and a smile, waving as he drove away.

"They grow up so fast!" she whimpered, a bright smile on her thin lips.

"I know, right?" Lola cried, sniffing and fanning her face.

Both of them embraced Hideo, who awkwardly hugged back and wondered how he'd managed to get himself into this.

Raguel didn't know why he was nervous as he stood outside Theodore's apartment door. They've spent so much time alone together already; why was this different?

It occurred to him after about six minutes of staring at the brass 61 on the door that he hadn't knocked yet and he mentally cursed himself for being such a mess.

Theodore smiled when he opened the door and Raguel felt some of his nerves evaporate, but new sensations settling in his stomach.

"Hey," he managed.

"Hey," Theo said with a comfortable smile and stepped out of the apartment, locking the door behind him and stuffing the keys in his pocket.

"You look...like someone from a magazine. Like, a sexy one."

Theodore chuckled and glanced down at his black dress shirt that he somehow wore casually – maybe it was the unbuttoned collar that showed off too much of his neck muscle for Raguel to focus, or maybe the loose strands of plum that brushed his shoulders.

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