Only You (Friends to Lovers)

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I don't even know what this is honestly.


The head of the Tacker family sat comfortably on his living room sofa, relaxed as he switched regularly between channels on the tv. The day was calm and peaceful and quiet......until it wasn't.

"Oh my god she drives me up a wall sometimes!!"

Kuku sighed and lowered the tv volume, turning to the estranged young man who had stomped his way into the house.

"What's the matter now?" He asked half heartedly.


Well it looks like peace and quiet is no longer an option today.

"What could have my sweet Krystle done to you?"

"Sweet?! Sweet?! Ugh I wanted to wring her pretty little neck tonight."

"As if you would. Now are you going to get to the point? I kind of have nothing better to do than listen to you rave but I want to do them anyway."

Kuku did not have time for his son's drama episode.

"Don't sass me old man. You want the point? I'll get to the point alright." Karan began pacing.

"So we were out with a couple of friends. The night is going good, I'm cracking some bomb ass jokes, and the food is amazing.
Now we're getting ready to leave and this lady comes up to me and I don't know, she tried to flirt? She asks me out, and she's rather suggestive about her intentions, not pure might I add."

He actually snorts at that

"Anyway I turn her down obviously and we leave the restaurant. Everyone says good bye and heads off but K is with me since I'm dropping her home.
I can tell it's a bit awkward in the car for some reason but I brush it off.
Then!!....THEN!! Krystle D'Souza turns to me and says 'you should have said yes'.
Now I'm confused. I should have said yes? To what?
She apparently sees my confusion and adds 'to the date. You should have said yes to the date'."
Karan takes a breath and continues pacing.

Kuku almost has a headache from watching him but he's interested in where this is going. 

"She has some nerve to sit in my car, looking all radiant and beautiful, and tell me that I should have said yes to some date!! At this point I'm gripping the steering wheel because hello? I'm trying not to murder her.
I play along and manage to spit out a why. To which she answers 'because you should go have a good time with someone in a non platonic way' THE NERVE OF THIS GIRL. Well maybe if she'd just let me I can go have some non platonic fun with her. BUT NOOOOO. I just had to fall in love with the one woman that seems to want to set me up with someone else."

The older man laughed silently at his distressed son. The boy was so over the top some times.

"Do you know what it's like to want to kiss someone so bad you think you might pass out just to have them tell you to go smack lips with someone else?!? I wanted to throttle her." Karan's hands came up as if gripping someone's neck and shackling it.

Kuku was enjoying this too much for his own good. Krystle really did a number on him tonight.

"Maybe she's not into you so telling you to go to some one else isn't a big deal for her."
Kuku could call bullshit on his own words but he wanted to see Karan's reaction.

"Like hell she isn't into me. I will call the highest degree of bullshit if she ever claims to not like me. She's not subtle and I sure as hell never try to be. So what game is she playing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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