Chapter 18 - The Last Night and Morning

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Everyone stayed at the waterpark until around 5 o' clock when they began to get hungry. Although there were food stalls, they felt more like going to an actual restaurant instead. "So where do you want to go?" Gidget asked. "Well, 2 days ago, we went to a sea food restaurant next to the beach! We could go there," Jimmy replied, pointing at Emilia, TicToc and Tea Party. "I wanna go!" Carly shouted. "I kinda wanna go too cause I was in the room on that day so...yeah," said Rosalina. Everyone agreed to go there in the space of 5 minutes, while waiting for a bus back to the hotel.

After half an hour, they were dropped off at the beach right outside the hotel. Everyone decided that since they were so wet, they should go upstairs to dry off for about half an hour, get changed and then go back down to the beach.

They all ended up all going in the same lift, but it was a bit full. There was a sign on the front of it that said it held 18 though. packed would that be? Bob took hold of Gidget's hand while the people in room 142 got out. Then they arrived at the next floor; their floor.

Quickly, everyone ran inside, got changed and came back out. Everyone was in separate rooms though so they laughed when they came out - everyone was still soaking. Carly had stayed in her room. Pearl had went into the small kitchen. KC went into a small storage cupboard. Bob had stayed in his room. Gidget and Bella went into the bathrooms after claiming them so no one else would go in. It was mainly because everyone's hair was messy and wet which made their clothes wet. Bob's top was almost see through!

When they had dried themselves off a bit and had gotten downstairs, they headed towards the restaurant beside the beach. "Did you guys properly dry yourself? Cause you would still be wet just now if you didn't," Jimmy asked. "Yeah!" Bob and Carly both chirped at the same time. "What did you use then cause we couldn't find anything to-"
"We extra-specially dried ourselves with a bunch of towels!" explained Pearl. "And I used a hairdryer!" Gidget added. "Same." Jimmy giggled.

Jimmy and Bob wore similar outfits, just in different colours. Emilia wore a turquoise dress with a pink E and a heart on the top. Carly wore a white vest with a light pink skirt. Pearl wore a red dress with yellow designs at the bottom. Rosalina wore a purple vest with black leggings. KC wore a similar dress to Pearl but it was purple and light green. Tea Party wore a turquoise dress that went a bit above her knees, and dark blue leggings. TicToc wore a black t-shirt with turquoise shorts. Gidget wore a dark blue dress with pink designs all over it. Bella wore a pink dress with black roses all over the skirt.

"H, you wearin' it again?" Jimmy asked, pointing to H's t-shirt. H's face went red with embarrassment. "Why do you keep wearing it?" Rosalina smiled. "Cause..." H replied. He was wearing the t-shirt with Rosalina's name on it. "Urgh why does everyone find it funny?" He moaned. "It's not it's just cute!" Pearl shouted. "Anyway, we should go over now," Gidget said, slightly laughing at the past conversation. "Yeah!" shouted Bob.

Over at the restaurant, everyone ordered almost the same things. Jimmy, Emilia, Tea Party and a TicToc got the same as last time. H got crab sushi with a hot chocolate - the same as Rosalina. Pearl got crab sushi too but she got lemonade instead. KC got cucumber sushi with milk - her favourite drink. Bob and Gidget got salmon sushi with diet coke. Bella got pepper filled sushi with lemon Fanta.

After that, they decided to stay downstairs at the pool for a night because they hadn't done that at night, and everyone at the hotel still had access to the pool, though no one really wanted to get that wet. Carly and KC sat at the edge of the pool with mixed slushies while H and Rosalina sat at a table next to the kiddie pool with a diet coke each. Bob, Gidget and Bella decided to sit at the pool too. Bob and Gidget had blue slushies while Bella had a red one. TicToc, Pearl, and Tea Party sat at their own table with a chocolate mocha frappe each that they bought at McDonalds on the way back.
"Tea Party, you're actually having coffee!" Pearl told her. "Yeah. But I kinda wanted to try it on its own. Not with SPLOTCHESOFCREAM ANDCHOCOLATESAUCEANDCHOCOLATE CHIPSANDBLAHBLOOHBLUHBLOOH BLAGH!"

Jimmy and Emilia sat at their own table, since no one else would sit with them. They had got a chocolate mocha frappe each from McDonalds too. "So whatcha wanna do?" Jimmy said, awkwardly. "I don't exactly know..." Emilia replied. "How about we just watch them?" she pointed to Pearl, TicToc and Tea Party. "....okay?" Jimmy didn't really want to spy on his sister and her friends, but he did anyway.

"So, should we prank someone?" Pearl asked. "Um, of course!" TicToc shouted. "So who?"
Their eyes turned to the pool. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Pearl asked. "Yeah!" Tea Party shouted. "We'll shove them in the pool!"

Carly, Gidget and Bella all took there shoes off and put their feet in the water. Suddenly, Pearl, Tea Party and TicToc shoved the three of then in the pool. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...why?" Gidget asked. "Um, what was that for?" Bella asked. "Ultimate pranking!" Carly said, high fiving Pearl from in the pool. Jimmy went over and laughed to himself while pulling Carly out from the deep end. "You ok?" He asked. "Um, yah!" replied Carly, saying it like it was obvious, which it was.

"Now it's your turn, Jimbro!" shouted Tea Party and she shoved him in. "W-W-W-W-W-Why?!?!?!" He screamed, using his girly scream. "Cause. Our prank wasn't complete!" grinned Pearl. "But it's cold!" Jimmy complained. Everyone else just laughed.

At around 1am, everyone went upstairs, did their nighttime routines, and went to bed.

Sunday 9th July, the day for going home, 9:43am.

Carly woke up to the sound of a zipping suitcase. "Wah?" she whispered to herself. "It's time to get breakfast and leave in an hour, Carly!" Gidget explained. "Pack your bags and what not then get changed."

After around 45 minutes, everyone was downstairs with their bags eating breakfast. Soon after, the bus arrived to pick them up.

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