Chapter 4 - The Hotel

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Pearl, Carly, Tea Party and TicToc all ran inside leaving everyone else to just walk casually. Gidget and Rosalina went to check in while everyone else sat down on the chairs next to reception."What d'you wanna do?" Bob asked excitedly. "Don't know..." Jimmy sighed, looking out the window. "Me neither.." Emilia moved over to look out the other one. Then Rosalina and Gidget came back over.

"It's rooms 142-" Rosalina started as she looked at Gidget since she didn't know what the other room was, "-and 154." Gidget finished. "Bella, KC, Pearl, Carly, Bob, you're coming with me!" She took Bob's hand and they walked to their room, suitcases dragging behind. "And H, Jimmy, Emilia, Tea Party and TicToc, you're in room 142 with me." Rosalina dragged her suitcase into the second elevator, H, Emilia and TicToc following. Tea Party's suitcase got stuck on a chair so Jimmy helped her.

Once they had finally released the suitcase, everyone else had already gone, so they decided to get an extra room key. They saw Gidget with two but Rosalina only had one. They would be locked out of the room anyway so it was the best idea. As Jimmy walked up to the desk, he decided to check the time on his phone. No one had seen a clock for a while so he opened the front of his suitcase. "Wow! It's 2 o' clock already!" He shouted, shocked. "I can't decide whether to think already or only!"

"What is it?" The lady said. "Hi. Can I get an extra key for room 142 please?" He replied. "Oh, and where is the dining area?" Tea Party added. "Here you go and it's through those double doors but it needs cleaned so it's shut. Anything else?" Jimmy was starting to feel sad for the receptionist as she seemed really stressed out. "Do they sell coffee?!" Tea Party questioned in a creepy voice. "Uhm, Yes. Goodbye!" The receptionist sounded a bit scared. "Uhm.. come on Tea Party, let's go!" Jimmy grabbed her hand, but not very tightly, and pulled her away. "Yay! COFFEE!" Tea Party was being a bit over-exaggerated. As Jimmy let Tea Party push the elevator button, someone walked up to them. "So, do you like coffee?" It was a member of staff. Just as Jimmy was about to say something, Tea Party interrupted with: "Like it?! I LOVE IT! AlthoughI'veneverreallytrieditbutJimmyherehasandhesaysitisAMAZINGsoIreallybadlysooobadlywanttoandaaahwheneverIgetiteitherI'mnotallowedorIspillitandit's SO ANNOYING!" She was really fast at saying it. "We should get going to our room now." Jimmy said, worried. "Oh, okay!" The elevator appeared and they walked inside. "Wait! I didn't catch your name!" Tea Party screamed. "I'm Bonnie. You are?" She replied. "Oh I'm Tea Party! And like I said that's Jimmy!" Tea Party resumed the shouted conversation. "See yah around!" Bonnie said as the doors of the elevator closed.

There was a poster that said rooms 1-30 floor 1, 31-60 floor 2, 61-90 floor 3, 90-120 floor 4, 120-150 floor 5 and 150- 180 floor 6. "So we are floor 5?" Jimmy said. "Yup!" Tea Party cheered, positively. Jimmy pressed the number 5 button and before long, they arrived at level 5.

Once they got out, they had to then look for their room. Along the corridor and round the corner, up the mini stairs they went until they found it. They both knocked on the door and Jimmy scanned the key card. It was blue with the hotel logo, the room number and a weird code on it. As he opened the door, everyone turned to watch. "What?" Jimmy asked. "What took you so flippin' long?!" H shouted. "Oh uhm, Tea Party's suitcase got stuck, we got an extra room key, Tea Party kept talking about coffee, some random person called Bonnie kept talking to us, we went in the elevator and had to find the room." Jimmy explained.

Later on, after unpacking, they decided to go down to the pool. H, Jimmy and Carly went down first. Then Rosalina, Emilia, Tea Party and TicToc. They were hungry so they made toast. Then Pearl, KC, Bob, Gidget and Bella. Everyone wore their favourite colour of swimsuit. They became hungry so they got pizza and slushies. H, Jimmy, Emilia, Rosalina, Tea Party, TicToc, Bob and Gidget got a blue slushie while Carly, Pearl and Bella got a red one. KC got a mixed, purple one. Their hotel was all inclusive so they didn't need to pay.

They decided to play a diving game, but KC didn't want to so she sat at the side of the pool with Gidget to play go fish. Bob went first at diving. The pool was quite big with a bridge leading to an island. It also had 3 slides. One was wide enough to fit 3 kids on it but it was short so for adults it wouldn't be the best idea. One was thin enough to fit one person and it was long so anyone could go on it. The last one was wide, twisty and long. There was a tower with 5 floors. The 1st floor was an underground dungeon with fake skeletons. On the 2nd floor there was stairs up and down. On the 3rd floor was the short slide. On the 4th floor was the thin slide. On the 5th floor was the long wide slide which you could fit 4 on.

Everyone decided to go on slides. H, Jimmy, Emilia and Carly went on the 5th floor one. The 3rd floor one and the 5th floor one had tiny walls between each person. Up the spiral stairs they went until they reached the top. "Oh gosh, it goes to the deep end!" Jimmy said worriedly. "Who cares! You're tall!" Emilia complained. "Yeah!" Carly laughed. "Whatever!" H said as he grabbed the bar above them. Jimmy, Emilia and Carly did too. "3..." H started. "2..." Carly continued. "1!" Jimmy and Emilia yelled at the same time, swinging themselves down the slide. H and Carly did the same. Since they got down at the same time, they made a huge splash, soaking Bob, Gidget and Bella! Bob just laughed! Gidget and Bella squealed, although they didn't sound annoyed at all. "ME NEXT!" Tea Party screamed! Her, TicToc, Pearl and KC ran up to the 2nd slide. TicToc was going first. As she sat down, her hand slipped from the bar and she squealed, "Woo hoo!"
Tea Party went next. Without ever touching the bar she jumped down and screamed: "Weeeeeeee!" Pearl went next, leaving KC on the tower alone. She held her breath, grabbed the bar, swung her body and let go!
Not being able to see, she had given TicToc her glasses before she went down so that when Pearl got down, she could see again!
Then it was KC's turn. She sat down and slid into the water. Since that was the middle slide, it went into the average pool.
At last, it was Rosalina, Bob, Gidget and Bella's turn. They went on the big slide, obviously. Bob sat down first, then Gidget, followed by Bella, and finally, Rosalina. As they swung on the bar, they let go, and fell into the deep end. Gidget, Bella and Rosalina made a light splash. While Bob made a ginormagantic splash! He soaked the three girls! Especially Gidget, but at least they had a good time.

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