Chapter 6 - The Nightime and Talking to Pearl

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After dinner, they decided to go upstairs to their rooms. "See you tomorrow!" Tea Party shouted at Pearl. "Bye!" Pearl shouted back. Now, no one cared if they shouted or not. As they all walked to their room, well really, no one was walking, apart from Gidget, Emilia, Jimmy and KC. H and Rosalina were doing what they thought was walking, but was actually being unbelievably slow, Jimmy and Emilia were walking but they were talking about Nisekoi, even know Jimmy didn't know that much about it, Carly was skipping on her own, TicToc and Tea Party ran up the stairs, Pearl trying to catch up. Bob had challenged Bella to a race back to their room, while Gidget was watching them, with KC beside her.

Once they were settled in their rooms, Carly, KC, Bella, Bob and Gidget, decided to play Cluedo. They were lucky that Carly could fit it in her bag! Meanwhile, Pearl was doing something that nobody knew what it was. In fact, I don't even know!


Pearl, what were you going to do?
Oh me? Hahaha! I was going to talk to you, DJ!
Because. I'm bored.
Okay then.
Do you like my Halloween costume?
Yeah. It's cool and looks accurate!
Can I get on with it now?
Go ahead, I will just listen to the sounds of the souls in my tacs and hooks.
Wait, why did you start talking about Halloween? Also, THATS CREEPY!
1. Because Chitoge. 2. I'm evil! Wahahaha!
Oh well, I'll just continue.


Everyone picked a counter. KC picked Plum, Carly picked White, Bob picked Mustard, Gidget picked Peacock and Bella picked Scarlet. "I call Scarlet to the bathroom with the leadpipe!" Bob was first to call someone to a room. "I call....White, candlestick, Study." Gidget went 2nd. "Um..I call White, candlestick, Garden."
"Yay! KC! You won!" Carly shouted.


Wait a minute!
What now?
Why did KC win?!
Because Pearl. She did.
But! Ah. Uuuuugh! Fine!

As the night went on, they got changed into their pajamas, and decided to play trumph. "Anyone want anything?" Bella asked as she poured a glass of Lemon Fanta.
Gidget walked in from the balcony, and helped Bella get everyone something to drink. Everyone had Fanta apart from KC, who had milk. Bob and Carly got orange while Gidget and Pearl got lemon. As Bella handed Pearl her drink, who was walking to the balcony to play, Gidget carried her, Bob, KC and Carly's Fanta onto the balcony and she placed them on the table. When she looked beside her, Bob had just, very quickly, put one of her cards down. She gave him a look. "Sorry!" Bob said, immediately. Both of them started laughing as Gidget collected in the cards, and began shuffling them.

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