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Although the weather was brisk Rose was profusely sweating as she made her way around the Quidditch pitch for her fifth lap. Grandmum Molly's cooking and laying on the couch for the holidays wasn't quite helpful for her Quidditch stamina. So, Rose was the only one left on the foggy pitch after practice, in her slouchy Gryffindor Qudditch sweatshirt, as the sun rose. Her lungs were burning, but it felt good. 

She was peeling her sweatshirt off as someone entered the pitch next to her, making her jump. His blonde head was staring up and down at her, as Rose hurled her sweatshirt at him. 

"Weasley!" His voice was muffled. He pulled the sweatshirt off his face, revealing a frown. He was now behind her. 

"Keep up, Malfoy!" She called back at him. He huffed and caught up with her in a few strides. 

"What are you doing? It's freezing out here." Scorpius ran beside her, he watched his breath against the sunrise as he gave her a concerned look. 

"I'm training to kick you and Slytherin's ass, that's what I'm doing." She offered him glowing smile. 

"Or you're just going to get frostbite because you're half naked in subzero temperatures." He suggested, still running next to Rose. 

"I'm wearing shorts and a sports bra, calm down." She gave him a slap on the arm. "I'm training for the cold weather, survival of the fittest."

"Alright, whatever, crazy." He rolled his eyes as they neared the entrance of the Quiddtich pitch. "I'll see you at 12:00, then." 

"What's at 12:00 on a Saturday?" Rose chuckled, coughing slightly from the cold air. He grinned, knowing he had something over her.

"Our first rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet is today, Weasley." He smiled, watching her face fall.

"Oh dear god." She stopped running as he ran off the pitch, throwing her sweatshirt back at her.

"I think you meant 'O, I am fortune's fool!" He shouted. Rose groaned. "Put your sweatshirt back on!"

* * * * *

Rose was rustling through her script as she made her way to Professor Galloway's classroom; she feared her memory would fail her when reciting lines, and make her look like more of a fool in front of her classmates. 

She entered the room to find it bustling with people and costumes and sets. It made her stomach churn, Professor Galloway was taking this way out of hand. 

"Rosie!" Rose turned to find Charlotte and Lottie barreling towards her with costumes in their hands. 

"You two are not in Muggle Studies." She spoke, her eyes wide as another joined them. 

"Hey, Rose." Lorcan placed a kiss on her cheek. 

"You are not in Muggle Studies, either." Rose sighed, now everyone she knew was going to be watching this train wreck. She really wished she hadn't laughed at Scorpius' joke that day in Muggle Studies. She was really regretting it.

"We signed up for service hours that Galloway gave out for the whole school if we helped with sets and costumes!" Charlotte grinned, Lottie rolled her eyes.

"I was roped into this." She shook her head. 

"Me too." Albus popped up between Lorcan and Lottie. 

"I'm painting the set designs, and I get to watch you become a beautiful Juliet in the process." Lorcan grinned. 

"I-I have to go find the other people in my class." Rose shuffled away and bolted backstage- searching for Scorpius. She saw his panicked eyes as they rushed to each other, next to the curtain ropes. O, Merlin, there were bloody curtain ropes.

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