Gryffindor vs. Slytherin

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River Jordan

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River Jordan

"I'll tell you all about it later, I promise." Rose reassured Lottie and Charlotte who were giddy from the news she just shared with them. She was tying the front of her Quidditch robes as Charlotte squealed.

"Rose, I'm so happy for you." She put a comb through her hair and beamed at her best friend. Even Lottie looked excited about the occurring events.

"It is kind of great." She cracked a smile. Rose stepped into her shoes and entered the bathroom.

"Lorcan is pretty amazing." She offered a small smile. She was happy, really happy. But she just couldn't get what Lorcan had said about Malfoy out of her head. It was constantly pestering her, bothering her. Charlotte frowned in the mirror as Rose tied her hair back into a ponytail.

"What's the matter, everything was fine less than a minute ago, more than fine might I add." She raised her brows as Lottie joined the other two in the bathroom. Rose just sighed and put a smile on her face.

"Char, It's just that I'm a tad bit nervous." Rose gave with a shrug. "Despite what I say, Slytherin is actually quite good and I just can't lose to Malfoy, I can't, not after what happened in the library." Charlotte and Lottie both turned towards Rose in a single beat,

"What happened in the library, Rose?" Lottie narrowed her eyes. "Rosie?"

"Nothing, just another classic fight." Rose spoke in a rush. She looked around frantically. "Well, look at the time..."

"Rose, there are no clocks in the vicinity." Charlotte rolled her eyes as Rose left in a hurry.

"I like a long warm up, you know me!" She yelled as she rushed out the door. "Bye!"

"Good luck!" The two girls yelled in unison as the last bit of Roses flaming hair left the room. They both turned to each other in suspicion after the red head left.

"She is not right in the head, that one." Charlotte finished her hair and shook her head at Lottie.


* * * * *

Rose turned in a circle, taking in the view. It was much different than the barren pitch they had practiced on just a few days ago. The absent seats were now jam-packed with roaring students. Dark, stormy clouds hung over the players, staff, and students ominously. Chanting and shouts all meshed together in one jumbled wave of sound. The crowds of scarlet stretched larger than ever, scarves were being tossed and spun, faces being painted, and chants were being rehearsed. She closed her eyes and took the rhythmic rush of sound in. Though she did not play for the attention, nor the cheering, there was something about having your house and many others chanting for you that was indescribable, amazing. She squinted and tried to find a boy with sandy hair in the stands. And there he stood, in his blue scarf, watching her. She beamed.

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