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"Well, according to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration food cannot be multiplied, Lorcan." Rose explained, Lorcan was rubbing his eyes. He was not built for enduring long studying hours. "Anyway, back to the hedgehog to pincushion..." Rose continued to ramble as Lorcan put a hand through his hair, he was exhausted.

"Rose, I think I've had enough for the day." He finally said with a sigh. Rose bit her lip, they had barely gotten through what she wanted to. Then again, three hours talking about transfiguration was trying for anyone other than Rose Weasley. She literally could talk about the subject for hours on end. Hours.

"Well, I've got to get ready for the game, anyway." She gathered her books and reached for her quill. Lorcans hand brushed the top of hers, chills were sent through her body. He plucked the quill from the table and placed in her hand. "Why thank you." She clutched the quill tightly.

"Thank you, Rose. Really, I think this is going to help me-"

"Nothing could help you, Scamander." A cold voice crept up behind the pair. Lorcan instinctevly edged closer to Rose as Malfoy approached the opposite side of the library table.

"Malfoy, funny seeing you here, after all it is a library. Did you get lost?" Rose coldly retorted, keeping her hands moving as she collected her things.

"Ah, no I did not, Weasley." He leaned over the table towards her. Lorcan stiffened. She let her eyes roam to his, frowing as she found his face through her lashes. Rose swallowed hard.

"Then what are you here for? Do you want another bucket over the head?" Rose clutched her books tightly against her chest, her knuckles turning white as she restrained herself. "Because I will gladly do it once more."

"Weasley, you better watch yourself." Malfoy leaned closer towards her. "I just came simply to see your face before you lose today." Lorcan let out a snort. Malfoy turned his attention to the Ravenclaw.

"Gryffindor is going to win, Malfoy. Just quit bothering Rose, take your anger out on the pitch." He stated simply, his voice was level.

"Oh so now you've got yourself some sort of protecter, Weasley?" Lorcan once again chuckled to himself.

"You really think that Rose Weasley needs someone to protect her? I am simply here to witness her shut you up." Rose grinned as Lorcan slipped his arm around her. Scorpius' eyes roamed over to Lorcans arm gliding over Rose's shoulder. He clenched his jaw.

"We'll be going now, if you don't mind. See you on the pitch." Lorcan guided Rose away as she spoke her last words.

"Watch out, Weasley." Scorpius growled. Rose continued to walk alongside Lorcan, his arm sliding down to reach her hand, their fingers intertwining. Before they even reached the doors Rose groaned.

"He is so bloody annoying, he can't even leave me alone for one moment, he has to come and find me and-"

"He's jealous."

"Excuse me?" She practically choked. Rose was in utter shock from his words.

"I said, he's jealous." Lorcan related in a calm manor.

"I know what you said, I just don't understand what you mean. He's jealous of me, my accomplishments?"

"Rose, he's jealous of me and you."

"You and me." She coughed.


"I'm sorry, I correct grammar when I'm mad." She grimaced.

"Look, Rose. Whether you want to believe it or not, it's your choice. He likes you, it's utterly obvious. He's jealous and angry of you having interest in others."

"Lorcan, you are very smart. But this is completely loony, and very very wrong. I can assure you one hundred percent that this is false." Rose began to speak quickly. She felt her hands grow hot, the words which he was saying were bloody mad. "He hates me, he loathes me. Scorpius Malfoy despises me."


"I don't want to talk about it anymore." Her words tumbled out harshly. She did not want to discuss this matter. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to talk about it any longer." Lorcans expression softened. Rose placed her books on a nearby shelf, as did Lorcan. He clutched her small hands in his.

"I just want you to know why he's so cruel to you, and now me." He spoke lower. "He's jealous."

"Lorcan, that's not true. I don't want to focus on this. Only you."

"Rose, he's watching us."

"Let him, if he's so jealous. Let's just make sure of it." She whispered. Lorcans brow furrowed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out into the hallway. He still had a confused look on his face. Yet, as Rose reached up on her toes and closed the gap between them he understood. She wrapped her hands around his neck, and let her lips brush his softly. His hands went to her waist and clutched her closer. Rose felt every bone in her body heat up, her face burning. She pulled away from him and grinned. She felt jittery and elated. This kiss with Lorcan Scamander was utterly fantastic.

Four Years in the RunningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz