Muggle Studies

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Professor Galloway

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Professor Galloway

Rose Weasley trudged towards Muggle Studies on Monday morning.

She had practically begged Madam Pomfrey to allow her to leave the infirmary two days early. Sure, her head was still pounding and walking deemed semi-impossible, but she needed to get caught up on her schoolwork. The crowds of students were thinning out, which meant class was starting soon. She sighed and picked up speed towards her classroom. Rose put a hand to her head.

It definitely still hurt. But, she needed to get caught up.

She assured herself and took a deep breath. "You'll be fine, Rose. Absolutely fine."

Professor Galloway was already beginning the lesson when Rose took her seat in the front of the class. She grinned as Rose sat down. She was a small women with, dark curly hair and always had a smile on her face.

"Welcome back, Miss Weasley." She spoke with a thick Irish accent. "Hope you're not coming back too early." Rose gave a reassuring smile.

"No, I'll be fine, Professor." She opened her books and dipped her quill in a fresh pot of ink.

"Very well, then." She chipped. "Everyone should be very excited since we are starting our first muggle read of the year!" The professor clapped her hands together enthusiastically. The noise made Roses head pound. She squeezed her eyes shut as the professor continued to talk animatedly. "We will be starting out with Romeo and Juliet." She grinned at the class. Several people looked unenthused. A scoff came from the back of the class. Rose turned her head to find Malfoy, feet up on his desk with a smirk.

"Mr. Malfoy, do you have an issue with this?" Professor Galloway asked the blonde boy in the back. He folded his arms and Rose rolled her eyes at him. His robes were disheveled, his tie was undone and... merlin he was just so bloody annoying. He sighed,

"Professor Galloway, it's just that this tale of naive, star-crossed lovers doesn't really intrigue me. They're just stupid kids from feuding families that kill themselves in the end." Malfoy finished as Rose covered her mouth with a hand to cover her growing grin. Malfoys eyes locked with hers and she tried to neutralize her face. Professor Galloway frowned at him as Rose held back laughter at Malfoys commentary.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy, you have obviously read this before, right?" She eyed him fiercely. Laughter spewed from Roses mouth. Professor Galloway turned to Rose, quieting her laughter. "As have you, I expect, Miss Weasley?" Rose and Scorpius both shook their heads in unison. "Very well then, you two have a very important job." Rose furrowed her brow and tapped her quill on her desk. "You both know that Shakespeare intended for this to be preformed as what?"

"In play form." Rose spoke as her stomach sank. The professor continued to speak.

"And that is what we'll be doing this year in muggle studies, preforming Romeo and Juliet. And I was going to pull names of the students for each part, but it seems that I now have my Romeo and Juliet." Rose shot her hand into the air, her headache now deepening greatly.

"I'm completely sure that I would be a terrible Juliet-"

"Professor this is utterly unfair, you have to understand-" Mrs. Galloway tapped her board loudly,

"You two will be playing them, and that't final. Unless you want detention for the next month for mouthing to your teacher. And I expect you both have Quidditch practice. Your decision." Rose sighed defeatedly. Her head was aching, and she was half sure that it wasn't from her concussion.

* * * * *

Rose trudged out of muggle studies in an awful mood. Her head hurt, her body ached, and her pride felt utterly diminished. She hated muggle studies, she hated Romeo and Juliet, and she hated Malfoy. Nothing seemed to be going her way, and she was not ready to pretend she could remotely tolerate Malfoy, let alone pretend she was in love with that git. No, no, no, no, no. As Rose shut her eyes from the dull ache in her head she collided with none other than a wall, sending her books tumbling to the ground.

She groaned from annoyance.

"Oi, Weasley, watch where you're going!" Rose, utterly defeated, slid against the wall. She placed her head on the tops of her knees. "Weasley, did you hear me?"

"I did, Malfoy. I'm just choosing to ignore you." She retorted, pulling her head up and leaning it against the stone wall.

"Well, technically, you aren't ignoring me when you're telling me that you're ignoring me." He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled at his own response. Rose rolled her eyes and gathered her books to her chest.

"Malfoy, I hate to blunt with you, really. It's my least favorite thing to do, but you are the last person I want to talk to right now."

"Weasley, isn't that how it always is." He asked. Rose rubbed her temples.


"We're always the last people either of us want to talk to." She gave him a confused look then shook her head.

"Yeah, I guess." She answered in a dazed tone. "Look, although I'm really enjoying our time together I need to go."

"Same. I mean, I need to go. But, Professor Galloway told me we need to figure out a rehearsal schedule or she'll make one for us that interferes with Quidditch." Rose, still on the ground, groaned.

"Of course, the very thing I want to think about right now. We'll figure something out." The halls were still bustling and Rose looked around awkwardly still sitting on the ground. Scorpius stuck his hand out, Rose looked at it for a moment. She rose up on her own, Scorpius put his hand back at his side.

"I don't need your help."

"Says the girl who just ran into a wall."

"Bugger off, Malfoy." She turned away and walked down the corridor.

"Watch out for walls, Weasley!"

She kept walking.

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