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       Rose watched the leaves being picked up in the wind, thrown into the cloudy skies. She'd rather be outside than be in muggle studies, reading Romeo and Juliet. They had just finished act one and Rose was hoping, just hoping that Professor Galloway would forget about the fact that she and Malfoy would have to act it out along with the rest of the class. And hopefully she wouldn't ask them if they had rehearsed. There might be a slight issue. 

"Miss Weasley and Mr. Malfoy I assume you have been rehearsing act one?" She asked, obviously trying to interrogate the two. Rose shook her head forcefully.

"Of course."

"Yes, ma'am." She smiled and flipped her chalkboard, revealing a schedule. 

"Very good, because we will be performing the play at the end of the year for your peers and we must be prepared!" 

Rose felt her stomach seize up. Professor Galloway was taking this too far. First it was a performance for the muggle studies class, now the school? What would Lorcan think? She peeked over her shoulder and saw Malfoy who had a blank stare on his face. Rose faced forward again and sighed. There was no more fighting Professor Galloway, she would only receive another detention. 

Class was over within a few minutes. Rose gathered her things and headed for her next class, her mind groggy and her stomach hurt. 

"Oi, Weasley!" Rose closed her eyes and spun on her heel. 

"Can you please not stop me every time I try to make a getaway from Muggle Studies!" She raised her head to meet Malfoy's eyes. He stuck his hands in his pockets and furrowed his brow.

"We need to rehearse. We both lied in there." 

"Thank you for catching me up on my own life and the ongoings in it." She smiled and began walking away. He quickened his pace, taking two strides to catch up.

"Weasley, do you really want another detention with me. I sure don't want one with you." 

"Thank you for that insult. I am very pleasurable to be around, by the way, it is you that can make me an unpleasant human being." He rolled his eyes. 

"So you admit it, you are an unpleasant human being." She shook her head and walked faster towards her Potions classroom. He groaned. 

"Weasley, I'm only joking." She continued to walk and ignore his regards. "Can you stop for one minute?" She stopped.

"Is this how you try to charm everyone? Throw them an insult and then say sorry?" She bit her lip. "No wonder you're single." He ignored her comment.

"Look, I'm sorry. We need  to rehearse or we'll have to spend more time bickering with each other. What do I have to do to make you rehearse, Weasley?" She tapped her foot and let out an elongated sigh. 

"I'm a very busy person, Malfoy. Rehearsing just may not fit into my schedule, unless..." 

"Just spit it out, already, we have class!" He put an impatient hand through his hair. 

"I want you to say that you're an idiot."


"Okay, I told you to say you're an idiot, not act like one."

"Very funny." 

"Just yell it on out into the halls, Malfoy. Then, I shall rehearse with you."

"Who says shall anymore?" She narrowed her eyes as he shook his head, glaring at her. "I'm Scorpius Malfoy and I'm an idiot!" He threw his hands in the air as his yell echoed off the stone corridor. Rose actually laughed at seeing him act so idiotic. Students looked puzzled for a second, many stopped to laugh, other kept rushing through the hallways. Rose saw some proffesors snicker out of the corner of her eye.  

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