Lorcan Scamander

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Lorcan Scamander

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Lorcan Scamander

Lysander Scamander

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Lysander Scamander

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Rose clenched her teeth and glared as she caught sight of a smiling Malfoy from across the great hall. She was now aggressively cutting her bacon.

"Thinks he's so great, with his bleached hair, and his bloody talent of being a bloody git!" She slammed her utensils down onto the table. Charlotte gave her best friend a wide eyed look,

"What has the bacon ever done to you, Rose?" Charlotte asked, her brown curls bouncing. Lottie snorted.

"So, you really are letting Malfoy get to you. Was last night all a fluke, you being calm and collected, huh?" Lottie questioned and tossed her thick glossy hair over one shoulder. She played with her mince pies. Rose frowned.

"He's just so blood boiling, why can't he just leave me alone. I don't want to attack him, I mean I do, but now detention! Me, Rose Weasley, detention!" She threw her hands in the air.

"What is this I hear about, Rose Weasley and detention?" A Ravenclaw boy slid into the seat next to her. Rose grinned. "Good girl, gone bad situation?" Lorcan Scammander offered an easy grin to Rose, she returned it willingly.

"It's Malfoy, again. There was a whole Quidditch pitch fight. Now I've got detention tonight, with him. I don't know if I can come up with anything worse." She sighed, now done her rant. Rose placed her face in her hands;

"Sorry about that, Weasley." She picked her head from the table, locking eyes with his deep ones. Lorcan wasn't one to really insult people, he was shy, and kind. Very, very unlike Scorpius Malfoy. Rose especially liked him for that.

"It'll be fine, I'll try and get some extra credit in some of my classes to make McGonnagall take it off my record. Thanks, though." Lorcan put a hand through his dark, sandy hair.

"That's kind of what I wanted to ask. Maybe you could help me study for transfiguration. I mean you don't have to if you don't want, it is just that you're so smart and it would really help-" Rose shushed him and touched his hand.

"Lorcan, of course I will. I would love to, actually." He smiled, relieved.

"Thanks Rose. Really." He put a hand on her shoulder and got up and walked back to the Ravenclaw table for dinner. Rose smiled to herself, his faint touch still burning on her skin. Lottie and Charlotte exchanged looks, then grinned at Rose.

"Shut it." She shot at them, but her smile remained. Rose caught the eye of a Slytherin from across the hall, she was still grinning. Now he was the one glaring.

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