Hogsmeade Wishes

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October 19th

"You're going to drop that cupcake on my bed and these sheets are going to go up in flames!" Rose warned her roommates. Yet, she still had a grin on her freckled face. Lottie and Charlotte sang off-key, holding a cupcake decorated with pink frosting and a mound of sprinkles. As they finished Rose blew out the candle,

"Did you make this yourself?" Rose took a bite as her friends sat next to her on her bed.

"You bet." Charlotte scooped up some frosting with her finger. Rose smacked her hand away.

"I can tell." She spoke with a mouthful of cake.

"We made it with love, that's all that matters!" Lottie protested and shoved her boots on. Charlotte gathered her things and nodded in agreement with Lottie. She grabbed a scarf and pulled one of Rose's curls.

"Let's go to breakfast, birthday girl." Charlotte clapped her hands as Rose moaned.

"I hate it when people say that." She rolled her eyes. Lottie grinned,

"Just wait till we get the birthday crown out for you." She waggled her eyebrows. Rose fell back onto her bed with a groan.

"Happy Birthday, Rosie." Lottie sang.

* * * * *

Rose only had a few minutes of breakfast before the Headmaster was to call for the students heading to Hogsmeade. She scoffed down eggs, bacon, and another cupcake from Albus.

"Al, this is actually good, when did you learn how to bake?" Rose spoke half amused and half in awe of her cousin. He grinned,

"I learned just for your birthday. Albus spoke confidently. Rose rolled her eyes as Malfoy sat beside him, scoffing.

"Yes, that's exactly what happened. Or, you watched me as I made it." He suggested and grinned at Rose. Albus sighed,

"I like my version better." He decided and shoved some toast in his mouth. Scorpius ignored him and turned to Rose,

"Happy Birthday, Weasley." He spoke with a smile, and Rose laughed. "What?" Rose laughed again and shook her head,

"I just, I never thought I'd hear Scorpius Malfoy wish me a Happy Birthday." Rose took a bite of the cupcake. "This is very good." She pointed out. Lottie snatched the cupcake from her and took a bite. She nodded in agreement.

"Very good." She licked her fingers.

"Thanks, Lee." Malfoy responded.

"Yeah, don't get used to it." She went back to her breakfast.

"I think we're getting very close." Scorpius whispered to Rose.

"She's... difficult." Rose decided.

"I can see." Scorpius pushed his food around his plate. "So, what's in store for today-" He began as Rose saw his eyes wander over her shoulder. She turned to find Lorcan running from the Great Hall doors over to the Gryffindor table. She grinned as Lottie made room for him to sit. He was completely out of breath and Rose chuckled at his disheveled uniform.

"Lorc, why are you panting, Merlin." She straightened his tie and allowed her fingers roam to his hair and sweep it from his eyes. He gulped and grinned at his girlfriend.

"I have to go take my test." He breathed heavily. "But I wanted to give you these..." He pulled out a bouquet of crushed roses. He slowed his breathing and stuck them out to her.

"I fell a few times down the stairs, because I was late and I wanted to see you before you left. So, they're a little crushed-" He cocked his head to one side. "Okay, very crushed." Rose wound her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

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