With that, he hung up on me before I could get another word out. I tried calling him back but he sent me straight to voicemail.

"He gets on my nerves." I mumbled under my breath.

I grabbed my keys and went to his parents house. The door was unlocked so I just walked in because I'm like family. Knocking is for strangers.

"Wassup Lia." Kaleb casually walked passed me giving me a slight head nod.

"Hey Lia!" Val waved from the couch as Bash rubbed her feet. "Ouch you skinny fucker! Why would you do that?"

"I just cracked your toes you cry baby. Shut up."

I waved to everyone before going to Elias' room. Again, I didn't knock I just walked in and closed the door behind me.

"You're in here because?" He laid on the bed shirtless with loose basketball shorts on.

"Because you're-"

"Oh that was rhetorical. Get out."

"You're not talking to me like that Elias."

"I definitely am talking to your stupid ass. Here I am trying to be a good friend to you and you want to get mad at me, but your nigga is the one out here being unfaithful!" He raised his voice at me

I got mad with him at the park because he said he was going to beat him up. Elias thinks everything can be solved with his fists.

"You think putting your hands on him is being a good friend!"

"Malia, I don't give a fuck. Get out of my room and go back to him like you always do. After he's done fucking his bitch for the night, that is."

"Stop throwing that in my face!"

"Oh so you're yelling at me, huh?" He laughed. "Bet you don't yell at Desmond like that and he's been messing around on you for two years now."

"You know what. I'm done talking to you Elias."

"I've been telling you to get out for the past ten minutes now. Go back to looking stupid in these streets."

"Fuck you."

"Already have."

I picked up a bottle of lotion off the dresser and threw it at him. He hopped off the bed and I opened the door to leave, but it slammed in my face.

He spun me around and pushed me into the door, "Throw something else at me Malia. I'll fuck you up!"

"Let me go Elias before I slap the shit out of you!"

"There's no reason for you to be mad at me. Be mad at Desmond. Who was it this time? I know her?" He taunted.

"Elias, I'm not playing with you."

"And what you gonna do?" He towered over me, licking his lips.

"I already told you..." I broke eye contact from him, clearing my throat. Ugh, I can't stand him.

"Hm...you ain't gonna do a damn thing. Get out."  He opened the door for me.

I glared at him as I reluctantly left the room. The door slammed behind me and I rolled my eyes.

"You okay Malia?" Valencia asked me when I walked downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"So Lia, when you gonna let me take you on a date?" Kaleb draped his arm over my shoulder.

"With what job?" Sebastian spoke making Kaleb suck his teeth.

"I'll let you take me on a date when you're legal, with a job and pigs start flying." I smiled as I patted his back.

"She sonned your ass." His dad laughed.

He sucked his teeth and removed his arm, "You foul and I'll remember that."

"Mhm well I'm going to head home."

"You're not staying?" Valencia pursed her lips. "You and Elias fighting again? He has a temper like his dad."

"I don't have a temper." Sebastian said.

"No, we're not fighting." I lied. "I just have a paper to start on."

"Oh, okay well we'll see you soon."

I simply nodded my head and walked out the door.

Sometimes I really hate Elias.



Should Elias be mad?

Excuse mistakes.

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