Chapter 10 - Close Quarters

Start from the beginning

Argent swung the guest room door open, pausing to listen for anything subtle. Nothing. He slinked in the room, opening the closet door then sweeping under the bed. Still nothing. His shifty gaze went towards the bathroom door and the hunter padded across the carpet and twisted the knob.

Brooklyn focused on her breathing and slowly closed her eyes. Derek simply watched while the soles of Argent's boots started across the slick tile. The tread was methodic and deliberate. The heavy blue curtain provided the only shield between Argent and his query. Derek felt his own heart quickening with each step taken and closed his eyes tightly.

Argent felt the smirk creeping up on the edges of his face the closer he got.

Gotcha now…..

His fingers gripped the heavy plastic curtain then flung it open with all he had. He was shocked at what he saw. The bathtub and shower were empty, void of any bodies or signs thereof.

Brooklyn opened her eyes to find she and Derek had not been visited by Argent.

"He's in the other guest room," she whispered lightly. Derek exhaled and nodded, thankful Argent had gone into the first guest room and not the second one.

Argent darted his head around the small room, searching for any sign of intruders. There was no way Brooklyn and Derek could be hiding in this room.

"Damn it," he growled to himself and rushed towards the other room. Allison caught the hurried figure of her father dart down the hallway, across the landing and to the remaining room. She knew better to stay downstairs where she could make an immediate escape if needed. Her father had taught her how to defend herself along with putting her in gymnastics and teaching her archery. Little did she know the real reasons for her father's insistence on extracurricular activities.

Argent burst through the doors and charged towards the bathroom with the rage of a madman. He was determined to catch Brooklyn and Derek in his house and make them pay for such intrusion. But he also knew never to underestimate what Brooklyn Ravenwood could and would do. He flung back the curtain expecting to find his prey but once again disappointment greeted his eyes.

"Damn it!" He slapped the wall with an open palm then spun around the room in a tight furious circle. Argent stopped and stared at the window realizing how they got away.

"That was too close," Brooklyn slid off Derek's back and caught her breath.

"Too close," Derek agreed.

"I'm sorry we didn't find anything about your family," the hunter leaned against his car. "I know you were hoping to find something. I didn't find anything either….But I know they have it."

"You mean the ring?" Brooklyn's head perked up.

"How did you know about the family ring…." It dawned on the hunter and surprise turned to anger. "You had no right to read my family's journal! Have I gone through your house? Have I dug around your stuff?"

"No," Derek watched the hunter turn around and tap her fingers on the roof of his car.

"Why did you do it?"

"I'm sorry," Derek apologized. "I didn't realize it would upset you this much."

"That journal is my lifeline Derek," Brooklyn turned around. "Everything I know about the Argents and the feud is in my journal. It's the only link I have left to my parents and brother."

"What happened?" Derek carefully pried.

"You know I really don't feel comfortable talking about this," she shook her head. "Brings back a lot of memories…..Painful ones. It took me a long time to overcome the fears, the night terrors, the screams echoing in my mind even when I slept."

"I see," Derek backed off but still wondered what happened to her family that was so tragic she couldn't talk about it without getting upset.

"Okay well let's get outta here before anyone sees us," she pushed off and rounded to the passenger side. Now she was more determined than ever to find out more about the fire that devastated Derek Hale's life. Brooklyn decided it would be best to start with the body found in the woods the night she encountered the Alpha.

Scott slipped into the morgue, anxious to see the lower torso the cops had uncovered. His thoughts went back to the party and how Derek had whisked Allison away. Anger was the first thing that came to mind but the fear of losing Allison quelled the burning rage within. He wanted to confront Derek and tell him to stay away from Allison.

He shook his head and scanned the drawers before his eyes landed on the one marked Jane Doe. Scott took a deep breath before grasping the handle. It was ice cold against his warm soft hand, but then again it was a morgue and morgues were supposed to be cold after all. Scott tugged the heavy seal open and was greeted with the immediate smell of death and decay. At first he assumed the remains belonged jogger that was found but as he pulled the drawer open and pulled out the slab, something was wrong. The scent of the lower body was wrong, all wrong. It didn't match the scent of the jogger! This was another victim.

Anxious to find out who it was, Scott hastily put the body back and raced out to find Stiles so they could confront Derek and find out who this poor soul was.

"Thanks," Brooklyn got out of the car and retrieved her bag. "I think I'm gonna do some research then take a shower."

Her demeanor had taken a turn as the bright features of her face darkened like the night. The turbulent hues returned once again, dominating her eyes and making her appear older and downtrodden. Derek suspected it was because he had gone through her things and now this partnership had taken yet another step back.

"I'm sorry," he gripped the wheel tight but didn't meet her brooding expression. Brooklyn said nothing and closed the door. Derek watched as the hunter walked tall towards her room, glancing back but briefly at the black car sitting in the lot. After a minute Derek sped off towards his house.

Derek spotted Stiles and Scott as he pulled up towards the burned out remnants of his ancestral home. They were the last two people on Earth he wanted to see at that particular moment.

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