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*2 Months Later*
*Malory's P.O.V*
Today is me and Daniel's 2 month anniversary. He's been acting weird lately. He ignores me, he leaves me on opened, he spends less time with me, he never ever said I love you, He never took me out, and he always has to do "chores" or is always "grounded". I'm going to visit him in surprise. I bought him some roses. As I was walking to his house he left the curtain open. I saw him kissing someone. "*gasp* Aspen" I said. I ran home crying. Corbyn was in the house. I opened the door and yelled "FUCK EVERYTHING FUCK LIFE. UGHH FUCK DANIEL" I was crying. I got ice cream and ran into my room. I threw the roses and the door "Ow what the fuck?" Said Corbyn "LEAVE" I yelled. I got all the Polaroids of me and Daniel and put a card in it. I look in the mirror and my mascara was all over my face. I didn't care. I went to his house with puffy red eyes. "Hey baby" said Daniel "What's wrong?" I gave him the envelope and went back home. The envelope said: Hey asshole :) happy 2 months. I'm breaking up with you. WHY? BECAUSE YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME WITH ASPEN. And don't come saying oh she was the one who kissed me or oh she asked for practice, because I heard you moan "uhh you are better than Malory, I love you" so don't even try to look at me, talk to me, touch me, or do anything to me. And so help me if I hear my name come out of that hole you call a mouth I will fix it for you. ~Love, Your Ex Malory:') I ran home and saw Corbyn on the couch. I tried to walk past him. He grabbed my arm and asked what was wrong. "FUCK OFF" I yelled and ran to my room. He literally ran after me and boy does he run fast. He tackled me to the floor. "Ow fuck" I said. He was on top of me and he asked what was wrong. "Daniel ch-cheated on m-me" I said crying. He got off me and gave me a hug. " I am so sorry." "Don't be. I'll make that bitch Aspen sorry" I said and walked away. I saw a white preppy shirt with a plad skirt sitting in my bed. "Oh hell nah" I said. I got up walked past Corbyn and went to the fireplace. "What are you doing" he asked "Not going to school" I said and threw it in. "NO ARE YOU CRAZY?! MOM AND DAD ARE GOING TO KILL YOU" "DOES IT LOOK LIKE A GIVE A FUCK OR TWO?!" I yelled and walked to my room. I cried my self to sleep.
*1 month later*
*Corbyn' s P.O.V*
It's been one month and Malory is still at home. Great. Why did she have to burn her uniform. Christina was gonna get her a new one today. I haven't seen her today. I just shrug it off. I was walking to Mr.Jonhson's class and saw Christina kissing Daniel. I walked behind her and tapped her shoulder. "Bitch we over" I yelled she cried and the whole school was watching "No no don't cry cause you saw this coming. You cheated on me with Daniel." I said with an attitude and walked home. I saw Malory in the couch watching Fuller House. "Hey why are you home so early?" She asked. "Christina cheated on me so I was done for the day" "Oh" she said. I was in the kitchen getting my ice cream when I heard her say "No dumbass check who the fuck your talking to" she said. "BITCH, BITCH, BITCH YOU KNEW SHE LOVED YOU FROM THE DAY SHE MET YOU. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING HER A SHOCKED FACE?!" She yelled. I then heard a thud and someone scream "BULL FUCKING SHIT MAN, BULLSHIT" I started laughing so hard. "What's so funny?" She asked. "The way you react. I just can't" I said laughing my ass off "Well it's this fuckers fault for pretending to be shocked. Like bitch we all knew that you knew DJ had feelings for you and now you wanna marry CJ? BULL SHIT MAN IT'S JUST BULLSHIT" she looked pissed. "Go to sleep"I said. "Why" she asked "We have school tomorrow" "Ughh I hate you" "I love you too now good night" "night."
*The Next Day*
*Malory's P.O.V*
I put of my clothes, did my make up, did my hair, and put on my shoes.

"READY" I yelled

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"READY" I yelled. I saw a dorky looking Corbyn. "You can't go like that." He said. "I.Don't.Give.A.Fuck" I said annoyed. We left and got to school. I went to the principals office and he told me to get dressed. "No fucker I only came for my schedule." I said. I snached it from him and rolled my eyes. "You lost?" Asked Corbyn. "No. I know this place by heart. What do you think sherlock?" I said. "Let me see your schedule." He said. I showed him. "We have the same classes, just follow me." He said and I did. We had social studies so we went inside. "Hey Corbyn who's this?" Said the teacher "This is our new student"he said "Oh would you like to introduce yourself?" He said. "Nah I'm good" I said "Do it anyways" she said "Its a free country bitch" I said "And?" She asked "And I do what the fuck I want and I don't wanna introduce myself and I don't have to. So continue class dumbass" I said and rolled my eyes everyone laugh. The bell rang and I went to my next class. A girl with curly blond hair came up to me. "Oh another slut" she said "What you call me?" I asked "Slut" I tackled her to the floor and punched her. Everyone was recording.  "PINCHE PUTA NO TE METES CON MIGO PINCHE PENDEJA. VETE A LA VERGA."I yelled being very pissed. Corbyn tried to hold me back. But I kept swinging. The principal came and she had a black eye, bloody nose, and a busted lip. She was crying. I heard damn she tough or let's not mess with her. They sended me to the office and I went home.


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