After a short while he pulled away. "Hey." He smirked.

"So where shall we go?" I asked him my cheeks hot and flustered after the kiss.

"I have somewhere in mind." He grinned.

"You're not going to tell me are you?" I sighed and he shook his head, he was so typical.

It quickly became clear we were leaving the town but it wasn't too far out before Dean stopped the car.

"Come with me." He smiled knowingly. All I could do was follow him.

We were navigating our way through a thick wood, I wrapped my coat further around my body as protection from the winter chill that enveloped us. It was so silent in the woods, so peaceful, only the sound of birds, the wind and our feet crunching on the dead leaves.

"Dean where are you taking me?" I frowned, the trees only seemed to be getting thicker.

"Trust me." He squeezed my hand, and I felt all my worries and fears melt away. Dean had that effect on me.

I wasn't sure when exactly it happened but at some point the trees disappeared to reveal a small clearing ending in a cliff overlooking the entire town.

"Shit, Dean this is amazing, how'd you find this place?" I gasped running to the edge of the cliff.

"My dad's friend Bobby lives nearby, he showed it to me." Dean smiled proudly. He'd mentioned Bobby before, I'd never met him but he seemed like a great guy, almost like a dad to Dean.

Dean was now standing next to me looking out onto the same town, his hand resting on my lower back.

After a moment of silence taking in the scene, Dean spoke up. "So the main reason I wanted to see you was because I've got some great news."

I turned to him, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "So my dad spoke to me at Christmas. He said we can stay here until I finish finals, maybe even until Sammy does too. Also he said you'd spoken to him, he's not exactly comfortable with our relationship but I think he respects me a little more."

"Dean that's amazing!" I grinned wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I don't know what you said to him and honestly I don't really want to, but thank you, it obviously left an impression on him."

"Well, you know I'm very charming." I laughed secretly very proud of myself.

I sat down on the grass and flung my legs over the edge of the cliff feeling the breeze against my skin. Dean did the same.

The two of us sat mostly in silence watching the scene unfold before us. Every person looked like tiny dots in our dollhouse town. Our hands intertwined, our shoes tapping together.

It wasn't too long before I decided to tell Dean about my slip that night. "Dean," I looked up at him trying to remain composed. "Last night I cut again. It wasn't a lot but I still did it, I'd had a pretty bad day and couldn't ignore that feeling anymore. I'm so mad at myself now, I'd been doing so well, I thought it was better." I sighed trying to fight back tears.

Dean listened to me chewing on his bottom lip, then squeezed my hand tightly. "Cas it's ok, people don't get better overnight, it's a process. You'll get there eventually I promise, if anyone can do it you can."

I pulled him in close letting the occasional tear slip and mumbling about now grateful I was to have him.

Eventually the sun started setting, pink and orange bleeding into the pale blue sky.

"I can't believe that's where we live. From up here it looks so beautiful! For as long as I can remember I've always wanted to get away from here. It's hard to believe that's the place I've hated for so long." I sighed leaning my head on Dean's shoulder. "Doesn't mean I want to say here though."

"When finals are over we'll move to the city, people are much less judgmental there. We can buy an apartment I could train to be a mechanic or something, you will go to college and become a famous author." Dean smiled.

I laughed. So much had changed over the last year, it seemed hard but not impossible which was good enough for me. "It's a deal." I replied.

It was another hour before we decided to go home. We got burgers on the way back and screamed Dean's classic rock tunes at the top of our lungs.

"I'll see you soon." I smiled once we were parked outside my house.

"What are you doing on New Year's Eve? It's kind of a tradition for me and Sam to go to the cliff with Bobby and watch fireworks, my dad won't be there so if you wanted to come you're welcome."

I considered the alternative, sitting in my bedroom counting down the minutes until midnight alone. Watching the neighbours fireworks from my window, my parents going to bed hours before. "Sounds fun." I grinned.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8!" Dean continued then pressed a quick kiss to my lips before I left.

I collapsed onto my bed smiling widely, a warm swelling in my chest. It had been one of the best days I'd had in ages.

Suddenly my door burst open and my father stormed inside. My mother waiting sheepishly by the stairs.

"You were with that Winchester boy again weren't you!" He yelled and I let out a slow shaky breath.

A/N: hey everyone, thanks so much for being patient, I've had some exams recently, mock GCSE's to my fellow British people who understand what that is. But I'm going to try and post more now as this sorry will be finishing soon. As always thanks so much for reading, see you next time xx

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