Chapter 3

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I stumbled into my Biology class explaining why I was late to our teacher Miss Amara and taking my usual seat by the window. I'd zoned out by the time I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my left to see a girl blond snickering and holding out a folded up piece of paper.

I took it and opened it slowly, inside was a note and a cartoon drawing of what I assumed to be me, the words "DIE FAGGOT" scrawled in capital letters above it.

I scrunched it up almost immediately and scowled. Looking up I figured the blond girl, Rachael was probably just the messenger and I scanned the class until my eyes fell on Azazel, he was watching me with a smirk and those weird yellow eyes. I never understood them, he said they were real but I was sure they were just contacts to make him look cool.

I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the lesson. Miss Amara left at one point to get something, as the door closed I heard Azazel say to his friends, "I'd tap that." I sighed deeply.

"You're sick dude." An exasperated voice sighed and I looked up to see Dean Winchester frowning at his friend. Another one of their friends Benny snickering next to them.

"Oh come on she's kinda hot you've gotta admit," Azazel sneered and I couldn't help listening to their conversation.

"No she's a teacher, man." Dean retorted rolling his eyes.

"You're just fucking gay." He sighed and even though I wasn't looking directly at them I saw Dean's head snap round to look at me. I guessed he was checking to see if I was listening and I immediately  turned to my work to avoid him suspecting I was eavesdropping.

"Dude he's got a girlfriend." Benny laughed sounding a little defensive. I didn't know anything about him other than he and Dean were really close and he seemed to defend him over anything.

Just then Miss Amara walked back in and the boys were silent so I zoned out again. I sleepwalked through the rest of the day until lunch time.

I hovered in my class until everyone had gone to the cafeteria. I then walked there myself, it meant the corridors were empty but in hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea as the moment I entered the cafeteria a sea of heads turned my way. A few people snickered but most were silent. It was painful, the silence made my skin crawl. The room was spinning and it took a lot of effort to stay on my feet.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward collecting a tray for my lunch. But before I could make it to the food someone got in my way. I looked up expecting Azazel or one if his dumb friends but instead I saw a girl.

She was shorter than me but her brown eyes pierced mine and there was something very intimidating about her. Her brown hair fell in perfect tendrils over her shoulders.

"Don't you know you're not wanted here." Lisa hissed just loud enough for everyone to hear. Immediately my mind went blank and I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Seriously after how much you hurt Hannah I'm surprised you had the nerve to even show your face here." She attacked and I felt my whole body shrink backwards.

I glanced at the table she'd come from and at Hannah. She had her eyes fixed on the table and was chewing the edge of her finger nail, unable to meet my eyes. I winced it wasn't my fault I'd hurt Hannah. I didn't know she liked me and I can't control my feelings. But maybe I was leading her on and I didn't even realise. I began to doubt myself, the feeling that I'd hurt my friend eating away at me.

I wasn't prepared to argue with Lisa and honestly believed she was right. So I turned and walked out of the cafeteria placing my tray on the table by the door as I left.

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