Chapter 5

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I woke up the sun tearing through my curtains and shining in my eyes. I heard music in my ears and realised I'd left my earphones in Dean's playlist still on repeat.

I got up actually feeling quite prepared for school that day. My parents were in a surprisingly good mood. Even the humiliating stares from the children as I arrived through the school gates didn't bother me as much as they had the day before.

But then I approached my locker. Mrs Naomi hadn't arranged to have it painted over yet so it was still covered in blue paper. As I approached certain people snickered but I dismissed them as it didn't seem unusual after everything that'd happened.

I opened it with some difficulty but only realised when it was too late to stop myself. I opened the door and a tsunami of paper notes came spilling out into the floor. Someone cackled as I dropped to the floor to gather the notes frantically. They each had something written on it, a variety of insults like, "nobody wants you here", "you're disgusting" and the most common one "die faggot".

As I desperately gathered the tiny pieces of paper I became aware of a figure beside me. I turned to see the redhead Charlie Bradbury crouching next to me helping to pick up the notes.

"Thanks." I whispered once we'd cleared every last note and were heading to the trash cans out back to chuck them away.

"No problem." She smiled and paused as she lifted the blue lid of the trash can and dumped away all the paper in her arms. I did the same feeling strangely relieved. "You know you should really tell someone about this they might be able to help."

I sighed, "I can't, if I tell a teacher then they'll tell my parents and well..." My voice faded out and I but my lip.

"It's cool I get it." Charlie smiled, "what lesson you got next?"

"Um biology,"

"Cool I'm headed that way I'll come with you!" She beamed and I was extremely grateful. Walking down those daunting halls felt half as intimidating with someone by my side.

Miss Amara barely noticed me arrive. She was too busy yelling at Azazel. Something about not hitting on teachers. Azazel had his head thrown back and was laughing heartily. I rolled my eyes as I sat down.

Eventually Miss Amara lost it. "You lot carry on with your work from yesterday, Azazel come with me!" He followed her out of the room with a suggestive smirk on his face but we all new she was probably just taking him to Mrs Naomi's office.

The whole class erupted into conversation. I kept my head down focusing on the work I'd been doing. Suddenly someone from the table next to mine slid into the seat next to me "hey!"

I looked up to see Dean grinning. "Hi." I said after the events from the morning I'd forgotten about me and Dean's music conversation from the night before, but now he was sitting next to me and those warm, safe memories came flooding back.

"So I listened to your playlist. It's not bad! Not bad at all. Not what I'd usually listen to but I liked it a lot." He was smiling so widely I found it hard to look directly at him without blushing.

"I'm glad you liked it, I actually really liked yours too."

His eyes widened, "you did? I thought it would've been a little too heavy for you."

"No it was good, how come you know so much about rock music anyway?"

"Oh well my dad was really into classic rock, he used to make me listen to it when I was little."

I cringed a little for once again bringing up his family but as per usual Dean appeared un phased. "If you want I can add more over the week." He beamed and I nodded a little too enthusiastically.

Blue (Destiel Highschool AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt