Chapter 12

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Cas' Pov

I didn't go to Dean's house as much after that day. His dad was back more, and he was reluctant for me to be around him. I didn't mind so much as I guess I'd been doing the same to him since he met my parents.

This, however, did not mean we didn't hang out as much. We spent almost every lunch and break together. I knew Dean's friends often questioned where he'd been but he genuinely didn't seem to care and always brushed it off. We'd found a secluded spot under the bleachers where we could hang out without being disturbed. It also meant I could watch Dean playing soccer when I had spare time. Charlie and the others sometimes joined me as it was somewhere they could all hide from teachers, bullies or anything else the school had to offer. The only other people we ever saw there was the stoners Crowley or Meg. But they were always too busy smoking and had much more to lose than we did if they were caught.

It was an unusually sunny Tuesday afternoon, when I was laying on the grass under the bleachers listening to music through my headphones and watching Dean play soccer. He was so much faster than everyone else, and just generally better, I couldn't see how he wasn't the captain.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Dean brush his hair back off of his slightly sweaty forehead. He could be the heartthrob boy in a chick flick. But I wouldn't be in that movie, I didn't belong there. Lisa would be the main love interest not me. I briefly glanced at Lisa cheerleading at the side in her skimpy cheerleading outfit. Her perfect hair cascading down her shoulders. I know Dean had broken up with her but I often doubted if they'd be better off together. I turned my attention back to Dean and tried to push all bad thoughts from my head.

"Alright Cas?" I heard a girl's muffled voice through my headphones and pulled them off to find Charlie lying on her stomach next to me.

"Oh yeah, hi."

"You were just smiling like an idiot, what were you thinking about?" She chuckled.

"Nothing." I replied quickly blushing suddenly.

She followed my gaze to Dean and smirked. I wasn't very good at hiding things from Charlie, and even when I did, she often found a way to get it out of me. "You like him." It wasn't a question, more of a statement, like she already knew. So for the first few seconds I didn't say anything.

"He's straight Charlie." I mumbled after a while.

"How do you know, did you ask him?" She sounded hopeful but I rolled my eyes.

"He dated Lisa Braeden." I sighed.

"So? He could be bi, you never know."

Honestly the thought had never crossed my mind before. But no, Dean didn't like guys, he wasn't like that. "Why are you saying this Charlie?" I frowned.

"Because I see the way you look at each other, I'm just saying that you might have a chance." She smiled knowingly, "And anyway, I ship you two so hard, and it's my duty to keep my ships sailing."

I laughed but was also considering what Charlie had said, they way we look at each other, I might have a chance. No that was impossible. We were just good friends that was all.

Not long after the coach blew his whistle to indicate the end of the game and I saw Dean turn and wave at me under the bleachers. Charlie and I waved back then when everyone else had gone, he headed over to us. As he was walking across the pitch, Charlie stood up. "I'll leave you to it!" She giggled then disappeared towards the school.

"Where'd she go?" Dean asked when he got to me.

" she had... things to do." I said unconvincingly but Dean just nodded.

Blue (Destiel Highschool AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن