Chapter 21

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Dean's Pov

"Dean!" Charlie ran up to me in the car park and enveloped me in a tight hug. It was the first day I was back at school since the dance. 

"How have you been holding up?" She sighed, she looked tired and worried but it didn't seem to stop Charlie being Charlie. 

"Honestly, not good. Did you manage to see Cas?" 

"I sat with him in hospital for a while, the others all came with me, but he was still passed out and his parents wouldn't let us stay long. He called me yesterday though." She blushed, I guessed she already knew he wasn't speaking to me.

"Yeah, I went to visit him too, but every time his parents kicked me out. He's not replying to my texts or answering my calls. To be fair I wouldn't if I was him." Everyone kept telling me not to blame myself, but that was impossible, it was my fault and I knew it. 

"Is it true you really kicked down his door?" Charlie laughed trying to lighten a very dark subject.

I nodded not wanting to dwell on that night. I honestly didn't remember much. Just running upstairs and seeing him covered in blood. After that I sort of did everything in a trance my only aim was keeping him alive.    

"Dude you're like superman."

I didn't laugh.

"Look Dean, I'm still worried about Cas, but I'm also worried about you, the two of you need to talk. I don't mean make up and then make out, but at least just talk about what happened-"

"He's not going to speak to me Charlie." I cut her off. 

"Don't be so sure, I've got an idea." 

Cas' Pov

My father hadn't spoken to me once, he hadn't even set foot in my bedroom since everything went down. 

I was sitting in my bed not really doing anything a few days later when I got a text. 

It was from a number that I'd deleted a while back but I recognised it immediately. It was Hannah. 

I opened it tentatively unsure of what she could have to say to me. 

It was a very long text saying;

'Hi Cas, it's Hannah. I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now, but I heard about what happened and I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I can't help but feel I'm to blame for making your life so shit for the passed few months and although you probably don't believe this that was never my intention. I was angry at you and stupid and so I told Lisa and Azazel. I knew they'd make a big deal out of it but I never expected it to go so far. Anyway I just had to tell you how sorry I am and I hope you're not doing too bad considering the circumstances. I'm not expecting you to forgive me but if you can it would be very much appreciated, things haven't been so great for me recently either. Thanks.' 

I re-read it at least three times. I'd almost forgotten how Hannah was tied into this now that so much had happened. And I definately wasn't expecting an apology from her. 

At first I considered deleting it and not replying at all. If she really felt bad she'd apologise in preson not just on text. 

But I couldn't bear to think that Hannah could end up where I was because of guilt. And anyway, it felt nice to be nice to people. So I told Hannah it was ok and I wasn't angry, and I ended the day at least knowing I'd done something good for someone else. 


That afternoon Charlie called me. At first I ignored it not really in the mood for chatting. But after the third phone call I picked up. 

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