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14 years ago around the time Tony Stark became Iron Man......

"Tony! We have a unknown object falling from the sky." Happy said walking towards Tony.

"Do you know where it's going to land?" Tony asked walking towards his suit.

"Just outside of queens." Happy responded.

"If I'm not back in 6 hours the thing ate me." Tony joked then flew off towards the unknown object.

He soon reached the object that landed before he could stop it.

"What the hell is that?" Tony said out loud.

"Tony do you hear me? It's happy. What do you see? What is it?" Happy said through the suits system.

"Yeah it looks like a ship or something. I'm going to see what's inside." Tony walked up to the ship and tried to open the latch. He finally got it open after a few try's. "Oh my god happy it's a baby."

Tony brought the ship and the baby that looks to be 5 months old or so back to the stark tower.

"Her vitals are fine. The only thing is that I can't get any needles in her. They keep breaking against her skin." Bruce said walking into the room.

"There has to be something about where she came from." Tony said pacing around the room. "The ship."
Tony walked into the room where he stored the ship. He looked all over until he found to weird objects.

He tried to open one of them it didn't open. He tried opening the other object and opened for him. A lady projected to face tony. She had brown curly hair and blue eyes. She wore a long blue dress with a weirdly odd shape with an 'S' on a black belt and that same symbol on her crown.

"Hello I am Alura Zoe-El. Our planet Kripton is dying. I send my daughter Kara Zoe-El to earth for her to survive and live. If you found her and found this I ask you please look after her. The second capsule that you may have found is for Kara where she can ask me questions about her powers she will receive. I will tell her what her weaknesses are what her strengths are. How she can survive. But I still ask you to protect my daughter. If you have any questions about her powers or anything in our kryptonian ship there is another capsule it will tell you anything you need to know but it won't open until Kara actives her capsule. Please take care of her." Alura faded away and tony went looking for the third one. When he found it he took it to his room and hid the capsules in his safe and ran back down stairs.

"I know where she's from and I need to take care of her." Bruce and happy gave him a weird look. "You see her name is Kara Zor-El. She is from a dying planet called krypton. And not like everyone is sick it's from the planet dying crumbling apart. She will grow up with powers her mother has this cool thing that she can teach her to use. I can learn about them as well so I can understand what she can do. I will adopt her and problem solved." Tony said.

In the next week Tony got a court order stating that Kara is now under the care of Tony. Kara now has Stark as her last name.

Kara Age 8 Grade 3

Kara was sitting in class when things started getting weird, She suddenly got a bad head ache. Kara look over at her teacher to tell her about her head ache but all she saw was a skeleton. "Kara are you okay." Ms. Severson asked Kara moving closer to her. Kara fell out of her seat and backed up slowly. She bumped into peter one of her classmates.

"Kara? Do you need help?" Peter asked offering his hand. Kara looked over at him to see a skeleton as well. She stood up and ran out of the class room. She ran down the hallway. She found a closet and locked herself in it.

"Kara? Please come out and talk to me." Ms. Severson said gently knocking on the door. Kara didn't answer she could see through the door to see that awful skeleton. The skeleton soon left and after 20 minutes two tall skeletons figures stood out side the door.

"Kara? It's your dad. How about you come out and you can come home with me. Let you have a break for the rest of the day?" Tony said kneeling down and placed a soft knock on the door.

Kara stop see the skeletons and slowly opened the door. Tony was kneeling down ready to hug her. Kara ran into Tony's arms. Tony thanked the teacher for calling him and signed her out at the office. Tony knew it was time to tell her about who she really is.

Once they got home Tony placed Kara in the hallway. "Kara I need to show you something." Tony lead Kara to a room that tony set up for Kara. Tony picked up the capsules he gave one to Kara. It started to glow. "Kara put the capsule on the platform." Tony told her. Kara did as she was told and placed the capsule on the platform.

"Kara." The same lady who pleaded to the person who finds Kara appeared.

"Who is that?" Kara asked.

"That is your mother. She will explain it all to you." Tony said and sat down on a chair near the door.

An hour later Alaura explained everything thing to Kara. She told her how to control her powers when she first gets the. She told Kara that led numbs her X-ray vision that it doesn't work with X-ray vision. Tony got an idea to help Kara with her X-ray vision.

"That is all I will tell you today. If you have any questions I am here always." Alaura said then faded away.

"Bye mom." Kara whispered. Kara face Tony she wasn't mad. She ran and hugged him "Thank you for taking care of me for her." Kara said

Tony smiled. "He for dinner how about tacos?"

Kara jumped in excitement. After tacos Kara helped clean up. She started to lift up in the air. Kara looked down and screamed. Tony ran to her and saw her floating in the air. He remembered what alaura said. 'She will gain powers in years to come.' It must have been one of them.

Later that night Tony got Kara to bed and started to work on his idea. He was going to create Kara a pair of glasses made of led. It took two hours to cut the led and glass with out breaking it and he tried to make it look like actual glasses.

In the morning Kara could hear foot prints coming down the hall. 20 minutes later Kara saw a skeleton. Tony walked into the room. "Morning sunshine. Here try these on they will help you with your X-ray vision." Tony said siting on her bed beside her.

Kara put them on the skeleton was gone and she saw her dad. She smiled. "Thanks dad! Hey what took you so long to get to my room. I heard you walking down the hallway for like 20 minutes." Kara said getting out of her bed.

"Kara. I was in my office which is in the other side of the tower." Tony said. Kara just shrugged. Tony stood up and let Kara get ready for school. 'These powers are going to get some getting use to.' Tony thought to himself.

Thanks for reading. I will try to post often. Aka Sabrina Carpenter plays Supergirl/ Kara stark


Holy shit!

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The prologue had 1.11k views, that's so cool! Thank you

My writing is crap so I dont know how that happened so that's cool

A/n from 2019

Warning new readers I wrote a really cringy but emo ending.  I'm sorry if you don't understand

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