"Bad news like?".

"...loni isn't dead...she's alive". I say in a whisper. Letisha mouth drops and stays there. "You not serious".

"Wish i could be like ah ha SIKE! But it's true...i fucked up, thought she was dead or at least dying slowly". I say shrugging looking off into space. "You falling off".

"What?". I ask putting my attention back on her. "You heard me, you're falling off". She said low. "Look when was the last time you made a mistake and slipped up on a "job"?,". She asked looking me in the eyes. "Never". I say dull

"Exactly so don't start now..all I'm saying is you know what you have to do". She said putting her hands up as if she saying it's in my court now.

"Yeah i know but first i gotta deal with Brandon, & we gotta figure out how to get the law off our backs."

"Girl don't worry about the last part i know some people who know some people who know other people. Basically I'm saying it's taken care of". She said patting herself on the shoulder. "Dang you got it like that?".

"I got it like that".
2:35 pm

After lunch i was feeling a little tired so i decided to just go grocery shopping as soon as i left the restaurant, it made no sense to go back to chres house to sleep knowing that i wouldn't have time later since we're going out.

I find a parking spot not to far from the entrance which is good because i didn't feel like doing much walking.

Once I'm inside i grab a shopping cart and start heading down each aisle grabbing two of everything i need so i won't have to shop for him for awhile. Usually Íma does his grocery shopping but i told her i would do it from now on since she was only doing it because Loni didn't do anything besides sit on her ass that's why it was so flat.

After i put everything i came for in my cart i made my way to the registers to pay for my groceries so i can get my ass back to chres place so i can take a quick nap, i ate good now it's time to nap good . Feel me?.


I turn around to meet eyes with the one person I've been trying my hardest to never see again. "Brandon Hey... odd to run into you here, i thought you went back home". I say

"Oh yeah i was gonna head home but i got business out here to handle". He said

"Oh ok that's cool". I say as i place my items on the belt for the cashier to ring up. "Sooo how you been since i last saw you". He asked checking me out. "I saw you a few days ago but if you really want to know I'm doing swell".

He smiles and nods his head. "That's cool, maybe we could get up and chat ?". He asked

"I think it's best if we don't , don't want my man getting upset with me ..you know". I say placing my bags in the cart. "Wouldn't want that now do we?". He said

"No, no you don't...have a nice day". I say as i walk off towards the exit, I could feel his eyes following me as i walked away.
5:45 pm

"Cherish I don't know why you can't just sell your house and move in with me".  Chres said as he stood in his full body mirror fixing his tie

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