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Oxytocin, a highly addictive drug.

It's not bad for you, not as bad as other drugs. It makes you happy, it makes you whole, it makes you shiver with want and the only down-side is that life without it becomes a suffering.

Once given a small taste, you'll stop at nothing to get more, and then some more, and even more, because you'll never be satisfied. You can never get enough.

You become dependent without knowing.

All you know is that it makes you feel good. It gets you high. It brings release.

At first it's just curiosity, then interest and soon your occasional thoughts turn into obsession that distorts your sense of normalcy, making your everyday life seem like an obstacle in the way of the blissful reality. Before you know it, it's all you think about. You're hooked.

You don't just want it anymore, you need it.

It becomes more than an urge or a craving.

It becomes a fixation.

Oxytocin - the love drug.

Sometimes you're not in love.

You're addicted.

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