Chapter 24: Mikhail

Start from the beginning

       Rendell felt hot. It was like he was burning inside. He could feel the potion coarse through his body, into his veins then moving up to his brain. He was perspiring like mad and he was breathing hard.

       King Gelatte watched him together with the two knights writhe in pain before them.

       “Can we ask him now?” the king asked.

       “It should have reached his mind by now, Your Majesty.” Lord Somier said.

       “Now we will have more information about those Brethanians!” King Gelatte said. He turned to Rendell. “What is Wilston’s plan? What does he intend to do?”

       They all waited for Rendell’s answer while Rendell was also waiting for the pressure or force that will make him answer the question. They waited. He waited.

       “What’s happening, Somier?” the king demanded angrily. “Why isn’t he answering?!”

       Lord Somier was just as surprised as the king. He knew that his potion had already been proven to be effective countless of times but why does it suddenly became ineffective?


       “Y-Your Majesty, I am confused as well. I don’t know why it doesn’t work.” He answered. “I am so sorry.”

       “Maybe the potion is not strong enough?” Lord Beneufort suggested.

       “That can’t be. I made it stronger than usual.”

       “What are you Brethanians plotting against me?? Answer me!” the king asked Rendell.

       Rendell felt nothing forcing him to answer. He realized that he was still in control of his mind. He was astonished that the potion didn’t work on him.

       “I do not know.” He answered the question. The king was startled with his reply.

       “That’s impossible. You of all people should know about it! You can’t fool me!” he turned to Somier again. “He’s lying. Your potion isn’t working! What the hell is happening?!”

       “Your Majesty…I honestly don’t know why it isn’t working.” Somier said. He was trying to defend himself.

       “Please calm down, Your Majesty.” Lord Beneufort said.

       “How can you tell me to calm down when Mikhail Brethan is in front of me, Beneufort?” the king exclaimed, waving his arms. “For seventeen years I have dreamed of killing him and now that he’s in front of me, I don’t think that I can’t control myself any longer! Do you understand?”

       “Your Majesty, I completely understand what you are feeling.” Beneufort said.

       “…he’s immune to it.” Somier realized. The king and Beneufort turned towards him in disbelief and outrage.

       “What did you just say?” the king said in a deadly tone.

       “I think he is immune to the potion, my king. There is nothing wrong about the potion…there must be something in him that make it ineffective.”

        “Then what is it?” the king asked impatiently.

        “I cannot know right away, sire. I need more time for research then to experiment.” He said.

       The king looked like he wanted to kill Somier right then and there when he heard his words. He thought that the day of him killing the Fallen Souls has finally arrived, but he still couldn’t because of the information he wants to get from him.

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